Faculty | History, Economics and Law Faculty (HELF) |
Department | Finance and management (FM) |
Education area code and classification | 6B04 Business, management and law |
Code and classification of areas of training | 6B041 Business and management |
Group of educational programs | В046 Finance, Economics, banking and insurance |
Educational program name | 6B04104 Finance |
Accreditation | Сертификат |
Types of educational programs | Main |
Graduate model according to the educational program | 1) Has fundamental knowledge in finance, financial analytics, banking, insurance, taxes and taxation of financial literacy and is capable of lifelong self-study.
2) Is capable of constructive interaction, decision-making for the effective implementation of processes and set goals within the framework of financial, industrial and commercial activities of the organization. 3) Shows digital competence for the development of algorithmic and logical thinking, the application of cognitive models of data analysis and the development of applied data analysis systems to solve vital tasks with the most effective use of modern digital technologies. 4) Shows creativity, creativity and creative social activity in order to organize innovative business processes in the production and economic activities of enterprises, financial institutions and institutions. 5) Builds communication programs in a multinational team and shows a civic attitude towards historical and cultural heritage in the industrial and commercial environment. 6) Creates conditions for the self-realization of the organization''''s personnel in the workforce. 7) It is focused on the rational use of natural resources, the formation of ideas for sustainable development and promotes the involvement of all members of the workforce in this process. |
Purpose of the educational program | Formation of a highly educated person capable of professional growth and mobility, possessing key and professional competencies in the field of Finance, as well as being able to solve professional problems in various sectors of the economy |
Level of education | Undergraduate (Higher) |
Degree awarded | bachelor of business and management |
Field of professional activity (section on the GCEA) | Professional, scientific and technical activities (Секция M) |
List of professions | Banking specialist Specialist in taxes and fees Financial analyst Financial manager |
Types of professional activity | Analytical Auditorial Consulting Organizational Pedagogical Production-management Calculation and design Financial-economic Economic and organizational Expert-analytical |
Objects of professional activity | - state bodies of the republican and territorial level: the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the economic services of the Ministries and departments;
- second-tier banks, insurance, pension, mortgage and leasing companies, pawnshops, credit partnerships, microcredit organizations, stock exchanges, state institutions and organizations, investment funds; - business entities of various organizational and legal forms, economic courts; - general education schools (including lyceums and gymnasiums), technical and vocational schools (colleges) |
Program features | Dual education, academic exchange program, the possibility of mastering an additional educational program (Minor) and obtaining a double-diploma education |
Form of training | full-time without the use of DЕT full-time with the use of DЕT |
Period of training | The term of study of undergraduate students with general secondary education is determined by the period of mastering at least 240 academic credits for the entire period of study and at least 60 academic credits for the academic year. The term of study of undergraduate students with higher education or technical and vocational, or post-secondary education is determined taking into account the recognition of previously achieved learning outcomes of formal and non-formal education. At the same time, the period of study can be increased or decreased if the student forms an individual curriculum of disciplines and other types of educational activities with a volume of at least 60 credits per academic year. |
Language of instruction | Kazakh Russian |
Amount of credits/hours (at least) | 240/7200 |
Previous level of education | higher education higher special education general secondary education professional education technical and professional education |
Program manager | Байтенизов Данияр Тюлюгунович |
The educational program is developed on the basis of Professional standards/ Sectoral qualifications frameworks | Professional standard: "Financing of an innovative project", Appendix No. 14 to the order of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" dated 12/24/2019 No. 259 (PS) Professional standard: "Financial Management", Appendix No. 94 to the order of the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Atameken" dated 12/26/2019 No.263 (PS) |
Place in the rating of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of RK "Atameken", 2022 |
12th place |
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