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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


KVN players of M. Kozybayev NKSU - in the Highest League of the Republic of Kazakhstan

For the first time in the history of the university, the team of funny and resourceful M. Kozybayev NKSU entered the Higher League of KVN in the state language "Zhaidarman", organized by the republican youth public association "Union of KVN of Kazakhstan"! 1/8 of the game gathered 7 teams from different regions of the country in the capital on the...

14 May 2020
Being honest is easy!

The head is personally responsible for the actions of the subordinate, and the one who reports the fact of corruption can receive up to 10 million tenge! This was not only discussed at a seminar held at our university under the auspices of the "Sanaly Urpaq" project office. Vice-rectors, heads and employees of university departments gathered at th...

13 May 2020
Webinar for scientists and students from a professor from China

The Science Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan announced a competition for grant funding for scientific and scientific-technical projects for 2020-2022. Participation in it, attracting financial resources for the development of the university is relevant and prestigious. To date, the Department of Scie...

12 May 2020
Taking care of the heroes

The years of the Great Patriotic War for our educational institution, as well as for everyone in the country, became a difficult test. Teachers and students volunteered to go to the front. Spared no health and life for the Victory. Women and children gave all their strength, selflessly working in the rear. Their colossal work provided the fighters ...

09 May 2020
Republican Olympiad in M. Kozybayev NKSU

M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University held the second stage of the XII Republican Subject Olympiad in Economics, Electricity and Pedagogical Sciences. The university received this right, due to the fact that last year the teams of our university became winners in similar intellectual competitions. In connection with quarantine measures in...

06 May 2020
Students of our university are winners of the Republican Olympiad in Geography

M. Kozybayev NKSU replenished with new victories of students at the republican Olympiads. Each of them is a subject of special pride for alma mater. After all, the prize in an intellectual tournament of this level is a proof of the vast knowledge of students and the fruitful work of teachers. On the basis of East Kazakhstan State University. S. Am...

06 May 2020
Students M. Kozybayev NKSU continues to please with victories at the republican Olympiads. This time - in Russian language and literature

At the Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraigyrov, the Republican subject Olympiad took place in the specialty "Russian language and literature". Teams of 10 universities of the country took part in it, each consisting of three senior students. The intellectual competition was held in an online format and included three rounds. The first ...

05 May 2020
II place in the Republican competition NIRS

We are proud of the victories of our students in various fields. This time the good news came from the Kostanai state pedagogical University named after Umirzak Sultangazin, where they summed up the results of the annual Republican competition of student research. It was attended by 13 universities of the country. Student of M. Kozybayev NKSU Julia...

04 May 2020
Student of M. Kozybayev NKSU became a prize-winner of the republican tournament in bes asyk

In order to ensure the preservation of the life and health of students during the quarantine period, as well as effective pastime at home, an online sports tournament on demon was held. The competition took place over two days in a remote format via the Whatapp messenger. The competition was organized by the National Scientific and Practical Cente...

04 May 2020
Getting acquainted with unique exhibits

April 30, 2020, the results of the distance presentation contest "Unique exhibit / document" for students of M. Kozybayev NKSU , organized by the department "Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan" of the University. The competition was held to identify and support students who are interested in the history of their native land, stimulate cogniti...

30 April 2020
Particular attention - issues of science

The effectiveness and relevance of scientific research is one of the basic elements of higher education. At M. Kozybayev NKSU, a number of fundamental and applied projects are being implemented, including those under grants from the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and together with foreign colleagues. The online sem...

30 April 2020
A scientific look at the urgent problems of psychological and pedagogical education

The republican webinar on the topic: "Psychological and pedagogical education in an unprecedented call of time" was held in remote mode. It was attended by representatives of the teaching staff of M. Kozybayev NKSU, Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay (Almaty), KarSU named after E. Buketov (Karaganda), TarGPU (Taraz), SKSPU (Sh...

29 April 2020
Modern trends in teaching mathematics at school were discussed at the university

At M. Kozybayev NKSU held a Republican webinar "Innovation in the teaching of school mathematics." It was attended by scientists of the Arkalyk State Pedagogical Institute. S. Altynsarin, a teacher of mathematics at KSU "Secondary School No. 1 named after M. Aitkhozhin, Petropavlovsk. The reports were entered by professors, teachers, students and...

29 April 2020
International online seminar on the production of organic products at M. Kozybayev NKSU

Current trends in the production of organic products and their certification were discussed at an online seminar organized by our university. The dialogue participants were not only students and teachers of M. Kozybayev NKSU, specialists of the Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the North Kazakhstan region, the Department of Agriculture of the region, but...

28 April 2020
Round table in the online mode "Tugan Jer - 2020"

The regional round table “Tugan Zher-2020”, organized within the framework of the state program “Ruhani zhanuyru”, was held at the M. Kozybayev NKSU. The event was organized with the aim of instilling in the younger generation a love of their native land, its culture, as well as holding large-scale events to study the history of the North Kazakhsta...

27 April 2020
The organization of the examination session was told at M. Kozybayev NKSU

Not much time is left before the start of the summer session and the final certification. For most students, the session will begin on 11 and will last until May 23. The acting rector Yerbol Issakayev held an online meeting with students and undergraduates, at which he explained the procedure for conducting exams and the conditions for granting def...

27 April 2020
Five doctoral students of M. Kozybayev NKSU have successfully defended their dissertations

For the first time in the history of our university, doctoral dissertations were defended in online mode at ZOOM. Under the conditions of a declared emergency in the country, the distance form of final certification became the optimal completion of the educational process in doctoral studies at M. Kozybayev NKSU. The debut was successful and the wo...

27 April 2020
Students of M. Kozybayev NKSU will be provided with installments and deferred payment for training

A Commission for social support of students has been established at the M. Kozybayev NKSU, which considers their requests to provide installments or deferred payment for tuition. First of all, assistance will be provided to those whose families find themselves in a difficult life situation: loss of work, salary delays, forced unpaid vacations, fina...

24 April 2020
International round table of student scientific societies "Prospects for the development of student research" with the participation of universities in Russia and Belarus

M. Kozybaev NKSU organized an international round table of student scientific societies with the participation of universities in Russia and Belarus. In an online format, they discussed possible ways and means of introducing talented young people to science and popularizing the research activities of students.Presentations were made by faculty and ...

24 April 2020
Strengthening International Partnerships

M. Kozybayev NKSU successfully develops scientific and educational ties with partner universities. Significant in this direction was the international online meeting on cooperation with the Federal State Budgetary Educational Establishment of Higher Education “Arctic State Agrotechnological University” (the Republic of Sakha (RF) and the Kazakh Nat...

23 April 2020
Online meeting with students of Zhambyl district

During the month of the work of the M. Kozybayev NKSU in the DL mode, more than 70 online meetings were held, which covered over 4300 students. Remote meetings of students continue separately for each district of the North-Kazakhstan region with the acting rector and vice-rectors. Thus, the leadership of the university sees a real picture of the fu...

22 April 2020
Students of M. Kozybayev NKSU talked about his role in the fight against corruption

“What can I do against corruption? How can youth resist it? ” - the participants in the essay contest "My Contribution: the Role of Youth Organizations in the Formation of an Anti-Corruption Culture" which took place at M. Kozybayev NKSU . The main goal of the competition is to stimulate and disseminate among students the principles of academic hon...

21 April 2020
The leisure time of students in an online format

With the introduction of the state of emergency in our country and the transition to distance learning, educational events have also moved to an online format. Several times a week, the University's page on the social network Instagram hosts live broadcasts. On April 4, a meeting was organized with the artistic Director of the national dance ensem...

20 April 2020
Days of Polish Culture - Online

Within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the APC, Culture Days are held monthly at M. Kozybayev NKSU. The Days of Kazakh, Indian, German, Armenian, Tatar, Russian and Ukrainian cultures have already been held. This made it possible to familiarize university students and teachers with the cultural diversity of ethnic groups living in our coun...

20 April 2020
The first among Kazakhstan universities in biology!

The team of M. Kozybayev NKSU took the 1st place in the Republican subject online Olympiad in biology among students of Kazakhstan universities! From April 16 to April 18, it was held by the KarSU named after E.A Buketov. Participated in 14 universities in the country. The honor of our alma mater was defended by Evgeny Romanenko and Nadezhda Shevc...

18 April 2020