Внимание! Добавлен новый прайс на учебную литературу от издательства "Эверо"
06 June 2024Дорогие читатели! 29-30 мая 2024 года в библиотеке KU в 117 аудитории 6 корпуса пройдет день информации, где Вы сможете познакомиться с новыми книгами. По интересующим вопросам обращаться по телефонам: Тел: 12-97 8-(777)-546-76-93 8-(701)-628-73-83 Новая литература будет представлена по всем сферам деятельности. Ждем Вас!
27 May 2024Added a new price list for educational literature from the Almanac publishing house
25 January 2024Attention! A new price list for educational literature of the "JOGARY BILIM" series has been added
05 December 2023Dear readers, on November 28-29, 2023, the information day will be held in the KU library in the 117 auditorium of the 6th building, where you can get acquainted with new books. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone: Phone: 12-97 8-(777)-546-76-93 8-(701)-628-73-83 New literature will be presented in all fields of activ...
27 November 2023Attention! Added a new price list for educational literature from the publishing house "Erudit"
26 September 2023Dear teachers and students, we are submitting to you test access to the educational content and educational resource IPR SMART.Fund (electronic library system) The ELS contains about 100 thousand pieces of content, most of which is represented by unique educational and scientific publications in all areas of training.To use the resource and consid...
21 September 2023Attention! Added a new price list for educational literature from the publishing house "Daryn"
14 September 2023Attention! Added a new price list for educational literature from the publishing house "Yurayt"
12 June 2023Attention!!! Added a new price list for educational literature Price list for educational literature of the publishing house "Mektep" Price list for educational literature of "Atamura" Corporation" LLP
27 April 2022Dear friends, on April 28-29, 2022, the KU Library will host an information Day! You will be able to get acquainted with new literature at the exhibition in the Hall of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (214 auditorium, 5 buildings).For information, please contact by phone: 12-97 8-(777)-546-76-93 8-(701)-628-73-83 New litera...
26 April 2022Added a new price list for educational literature "Otan" Publishing House
10 February 2022Added a new price list for educational literature "TechSmith Publishing House"
08 February 2022Added a new price list for educational literature of the Erudite Book Center LLP
04 February 2022Added a new price list from the Kazakh University Publishing House
31 January 2022Added a new price list for educational literature of the Otan Publishing House
27 January 2022Added a new price list for educational literature of Almanac Publishing House LLP
27 January 2022Added a new price list for educational literature of the Erudite Book Center LLP
20 January 2022Added a new price list for educational literature of the Erudite Book Center LLP
24 November 2021Attention! On November 25-26, 2021, the library holds an Information Day (viewing new literature). We invite all teachers and students. Bldg.5, room.214 Hall of the First President
24 November 2021A new price list for educational literature of the Almanac publishing house has been added
18 November 2021Added a new price list for educational literature of the publishing house "Express Publishing"
10 November 2021Attention! We invite you to the Information Day on September 28-29, 2021 (viewing new literature). Building No. 5, auditorium 214 Hall of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
27 September 2021