The Board of Directors of Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company "North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev" announces a competition for the vacant position of
the specialist of the Internal Audit Service at the North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev
Qualification requirements:
1) higher professional education in the fields of: economics and finance, and / or accounting and auditing, and / or financial management, and / or finance and credit, preferably with additional education in the field of information technology, and / or technical field , and / or jurisprudence;
2) work experience in the field of audit and/or accounting and/or finance - at least two years;
3) knowledge of the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including on issues of auditing, accounting and taxation;
4) preferably knowledge of international financial reporting standards and international professional standards of internal audit developed by the Institute of Internal Auditors Inc, International Standards on Auditing (MCA);
5) it is preferable to have a certificate and / or qualification in the field of audit, and / or accounting and financial management, knowledge of the state language.
Please, for further information contact: 8 (7152) 493233, ext. 1022, 1020, 219/2 office.