Kozybayev University hosted the 14th Republican Student Subject Olympiad in defectology. The university received the right to hold it thanks to our student, who last year won a similar intellectual competition in the individual competition.
The participants of the National Olympiad-2022 were 2-3 year students studying Special Pedagogy. 12 teams from the RK higher educational institutions participated in the Olympiad, 9 teams were state language students and 3 - Russian language students.
They competed in two contests: presentation of career guidance video "My future profession - special educator" and testing by disciplines "Special pedagogy", "Special psychology" and "Inclusive education".
According to the results of the team Kozybayev University jury awarded the Grand Prix.
1 place was won by the team of South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Second place went to the guys from Pavlodar Pedagogical University and Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. 3 place was taken by Kazakh language teams: Pavlodar Pedagogical University and Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.