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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Determined the best among future special educators

Kozybayev University hosted the 14th Republican Student Subject Olympiad in defectology. The university received the right to hold it thanks to our student, who last year won a similar intellectual competition in the individual competition.

The participants of the National Olympiad-2022 were 2-3 year students studying Special Pedagogy. 12 teams from the RK higher educational institutions participated in the Olympiad, 9 teams were state language students and 3 - Russian language students.

They competed in two contests: presentation of career guidance video "My future profession - special educator" and testing by disciplines "Special pedagogy", "Special psychology" and "Inclusive education".

According to the results of the team Kozybayev University jury awarded the Grand Prix.

1 place was won by the team of South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University. Second place went to the guys from Pavlodar Pedagogical University and Kazakh National Women's Pedagogical University. 3 place was taken by Kazakh language teams: Pavlodar Pedagogical University and Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.
