Representatives of the Independent Quality Assurance Agency for Education (IQAA) came to Kozybayev University for an external audit. Two expert groups for two days evaluated five educational programs:
• PR journalism
• Public administration
• Defectology (speech therapy)
• Cultural and leisure work
• Foreign Philology
The algorithm of the evaluation procedure of educational programs is standard: mandatory interviews with members of the Board, heads of departments and educational programs, teaching staff, students, graduates and employers. Also acquaintance with the material and technical and educational-laboratory component of the university, visiting the practice bases. The peculiarity of IQAA work is a meeting with the members of the Board of Directors.
As a result, the expert group noted that Kozybayev University adheres to policies and standards for quality assurance, pays special attention to the principles of academic integrity. Recently, the number of research works of teachers and students has increased, students of the university are frequent prize-winners of national Olympiads.
Experts have recommended to the management of the university to establish ties with national and foreign research institutes, to strengthen the publication activity of scientists of the university, the academic mobility of students, etc. The results of the evaluation of educational programs will be known in June after the meeting of the Accreditation Council.