Kozybayev University announces a competition for the replacement of vacant positions:
Requirements for the position – higher education and work experience in a higher educational institution for at least 5 years, including at least 3 years as a manager.
Job responsibilities: to develop drafts of a comprehensive work plan of the university for educational work for the academic year and submit them for approval to the university management; to participate in the development of projects of planes6 conception6 programs in the areas of social and educational work: to provide guidance on the organization and conduct of educational work at the university and participate in events; to control the movement of the contingent of residents and evicted from the hostel according to the approved reporting form; to support youth public associations, to promote student initiatives, socially significant events; to organize information and explanatory work with the advisors of study groups and other responsibilities.
Requirements for the position – higher education and work experience of at least 3 years.
Job responsibilities: to monitor disinfection, deratization, roasting of laundry (for dormitories), clean-up days, etc. in buildings and dormitories; to participate in the development of plans for ongoing and major repairs, acceptance of plumbing and repair work performed by contractors; to monitor the provision of transport services to ensure the continuous operation of the university, etc.
Requirements for the position:
Job responsibilities: manages the activities of the department; organizes its work, creates the necessary conditions for the successful performance of the duties assigned to them by the department's employees; submits proposals for the Board's consideration on the directions of development and improvement of the effectiveness of the department, the University; represents the department in the University departments on issues within its competence; ensures the preparation of the annual audit plan of the department and controls its execution; submits proposals for changing the annual audit plan of the Department for consideration by the Board; ensures the development of internal documents of the University and methodological recommendations on internal audit and other documents related to the department's activities; ensures the application of uniform basic standards and internal audit procedures in the department's activities; ensures the submission of reports on the department's activities to the Chairman of the Board - Rector, within the time limits set by him; submits for approval of the Management Board, proposals on the staffing and remuneration fund of the Department; submits for consideration to the Chairman of the Management Board, the Rector, proposals on the admission, transfer and dismissal of employees of the department, on encouragement and imposition of penalties on employees; takes measures to improve the level of professional training of employees of the department and the exchange of work experience; ensures compliance with the proper mode of work with documents in the activities of the department; provides a periodic assessment of the relevance of the tasks and functions of the department to achieve its goals; makes decisions on all issues within the competence of the department and other responsibilities.
Requirements for the position: higher professional education and work experience of at least 2 years at the university, or a master's degree and work experience of at least 1 year at the university or an academic degree without presenting work experience requirements.
Job responsibilities: to collect and analyze information about scientific developments of the university, to identify inventions and technologies with commercial potential – business ideas; to manage the process of commercialization of business ideas, to assist interested parties in determining the optimal way to the market; to organize the promotion of business ideas in the field of research services; to provide technical advice, analytical services; organize work with outside experts in all areas of commercialization; coordination of research work of educational and scientific centers and research laboratories; provide consulting services in the field of intellectual property protection, etc.
Requirements for the position – higher or postgraduate education and work experience of at least 3 years in educational institutions.
Job responsibilities: to carry out current and strategic planning of activities; to develop a work plan of the Institute for the academic year; involves University teaching staff in the development of teaching materials; attracts qualified teachers-practitioners, including foreign specialists; organizes training sessions (lectures and practical classes, laboratory work, seminars, trainings, round tables, master-classes); organizes corporate programs at the request of legal entities and individuals; carries out marketing in the field of additional education in the domestic and foreign markets and other responsibilities.
The requirements for the position are higher legal education and practical work experience in law enforcement agencies or in the specialty of at least 5 years.
Job responsibilities: to monitor and ensure the safety of compliance by the university staff with the requirements of anti-terrorist protection of objects vulnerable to terrorism, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 191 dated 03.04.2015; to prepare and maintain documentation on anti-terrorist security measures of the University, including the anti-terrorist commission; to organize work to ensure public order and the implementation of the access regime established by the administrative document approved by the rector in academic buildings and dormitories of the university; to regularly check and monitor the performance by security guards of official duties to ensure public order, anti-terrorist security, protection of property, life and health of university staff, inside the facility and access regime in academic buildings and dormitories university.
Requirements for the position – higher (or postgraduate) legal education and work experience of at least 3 years.
Job responsibilities: to carry out legal expertise and coordinate orders, regulations and other legal acts prepared at the university, to participate in the development of these documents, if necessary; to develop proposals to the Chairman of the Board – the Rector of the University on changing and canceling existing orders and other acts issued at the university; to represent the interests of the university in courts, state and not state institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership; represent the interests of the university in the courts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as in state and public organizations when considering legal issues, conducts court cases and debt collection cases, etc.
Documents required to participate in the competition:
Documents are accepted within 15 calendar days from the date of publication of the announcement at the address: 86 Pushkin Street, 2nd building, office 219.
Phone: 8 (7152) 369468.