СAREC Institute Grant Competition for Capacity Building Events
We are pleased to announce an open call for the CAREC Institute's grants for capacity building events, which is designed to co-fund knowtedge-sharing activities identified by national institutions in alignment with both country's needs and CAREC Institute's priorities.
This grant program is aimed to enhance the professional capacities of national policymakers, expand opportunities for capacity-building engagement, foster collaboration between local and international experts, and establish sustainable mechanisms for knowledge transfer. It presents a significant opportunity for CAREC member countries to engage in targeted training and knowledge exchange that aligns with their capacity-building needs and the strategic goals of the CAREC Institute.
The grant will be awarded on a competitive basis and is intended to cover expenses related to the participation of international trainers and/or speakers in capacity-building events. It will support cofunding arrangements, covering up to 50% of the total costs of the event, with a maximum limit of US $IO,OOO.
We kindly ask for your support in sharing this call for proposals with interested organizations, including academic institutions (including research institutions, think tanks, and universities), government agencies, and civil society organizations. This will help us ensure that a diverse range of stakeholders has the opportunity to compete for the grant. The final decision regarding the grants will be made by the CAREC Institute's Selection Committee.
Grant proposals should be submitted by February 23, 2025.
Should you have any questions regarding this event, please reach out to Ms. Sukhdelger Sosorbaram at sukhdelgers@carecinstitute.org.