The charity event "Give the child joy" has been held at M. Kozybayev NKSU from 2010 since 2010 by the forces of teachers and students of the department “Special and Social Pedagogy”. For future defectologists and social educators, these events foster a sense of kindness, empathy, mercy, and active participation in supporting children with special educational needs, which forms their professional competencies.
On October 29, this share gathered all the caring people, who were ready to share resources with people in need. In the lobby of the building No. 5 organizers in according with «Ashyk zhurek» volunteers squad, launched a fair with culinary products, bakery products, drinks, honey, and handmade platform. Here needlewomen presented crafts, paintings, knitwear, and accessories made by hand from various materials. In addition to shopping, everyone could leave donations in specially prepared jars. Creative students performed with musical numbers, and prepared a “Wish Wall” on stands where participants wrote messages for children with a difficult life history on small pieces of paper.
As a result, about 60 thousand tenge was collected, which will now be sent to preschool groups of the Regional special (correctional) boarding school for children with hearing disorders in Petropavlovsk.