A briefing was held at the site of the Regional Communications Service, in which the Acting Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Zhanar Talaspayeva took part. She reported to the public about the measures taken at the M. Kozybayev NKSU to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection and the work of subsidiaries.
A roadmap has been developed for organizing the educational process using DLT, instructions for students and faculty.
Online classes, in accordance with the approved schedule, the implementation and provision of all types of tasks of the current control to the teacher are carried out through the E-learning NKZU platform or the teacher’s corporate mail. BigBlueButton platform launched. Analysis of attendance monitoring indicates that on average it is more than 80%.
Students who do not have their own means of communication (computer, laptop, tablet), Internet access at the place of permanent residence, are provided with case studies in the disciplines.
193 people live in the dormitories of M. Kozybayev NKSU , of which 170 are foreign citizens. They are in quarantine and are actively involved in the DL process. The university allocated financial resources for the purchase of essential goods and food for children living in dorm. # 3.
Information support for students and faculty is carried out through the university’s website, the work of the Call Center and online meetings of the acting rector, vice-rectors and deans with students. During the period the Call Center operates, 578 calls were received and processed. Its employees not only receive calls, but also call students, in order to study the supply of students, undergraduates with communications, Internet access, and their psychological state.
The University’s psychological service conducted an unscheduled psychodiagnostic study of the characteristics of the emotional sphere and the actual needs of domestic and foreign students who are in temporary isolation. Based on the results of the questionnaire, a set of measures was developed for their psychological support.
Zhanar Talaspayeva answered questions from journalists. They related to the activities of volunteers from among students of the M. Kozybayev NKSU during the state of emergency, technical support for children from remote villages.