Another project of the Erasmus + program, in the implementation of which Kozybayev University is involved, is the ACeSYRI Center for Excellence for Doctoral Students and Young Researchers in Informatics ( It is being implemented from January 15, 2020 to provide an innovative structure for international cooperation between students, researchers and teachers of Kazakhstani and European higher education institutions.
Its goal is to improve the conditions for conducting scientific research by young scientists and graduate students in the field of informatics from Kazakhstani universities on the basis of the development of international cooperation with universities of the European Union countries.
Within the framework of the project, a portal and a Center for promoting cooperation between doctoral students, young researchers and teachers of universities in Kazakhstan will be created. The ACeSYRI portal will allow participants to create research groups, collaborate with scientific partners from abroad, and exchange information and project results. The use of the ACeSYRI portal will be free and available to students and young researchers from universities and companies in the partner countries of the European Union.
According to a member of the project working group Kainizhamal Iklasova, PhD, Associate professor of the Department of Information and Communication Technologies, the project is designed for 3 years and is carried out by 4 European and 9 Kazakhstani universities. “The implementation of ACeSYRI is a valuable contribution to the modernization of higher education in Kazakhstan. It is expected that improving the research conditions of young scientists, as well as their involvement in pressing problems of science will raise the level of higher education in the field of informatics,” she said.