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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

PhD thesis defense announcements


23.12.2024, 11:00 - “Post-industrial paradigm of development of info-communication segment of the defense-industrial complex of RK” (Vitulyova Yelizaveta, 6D071900 - “Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications”)

20.12.2024, 14:00 - «Development of software and hardware and a method of digital processing and intelligent analysis of electrocardiogram and photoplethysmogram signals for predicting blood pressure levels», (Largin Alexander Vasilyevich, 8D06201 – «Radioengineering, electronics and telecommunications»)

20.12.2024, 11:00 - «Development of methods and algorithms for data integration based on ontologies to ensure analytical activities at the university» (Kopnova Oxana, 8D06101 – «Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Control»)

10.12.2024, 11:00 - “Development of constructive and technological solutions to increase the life of rod depth pumps” (Ivanova Olga Vladimirovna, 8D07101 – Mechanical Engineering)

28.06.2024, 14:00 - "Development of modified bitumen-mineral compositions" (Yulia Sergeevna Byzova, 8D07102 – "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances")

20.06.2024, 10:00 - «Information and analytical control system of the regulatory base integrity»  (Ospanova Gulmira, 6D075100 «Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Control»)

18.06.2024, 11:00 - «Improving the Quality of the Hydraulic Cylinders Internal Surface Through Combined Processing» (Berikbaeva Meruert, 6D071200 - Machine Engineering)

18.06.2024, 15:00 - «Development of an information educational environment for the formation of older children IT-competence» (Aitymova Aliya, 6D075100 «Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Control»)

25.04.2024, 14:00 - «Development of an automated system for evaluating the quality of support and organizing educational process in distance learning» (Shaporev Аnna, 6D075100 «Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Control») 


23.04.2022, 11:00 - «Improving the durability of wheel sets of railway cars by restoring the tread surface by laser cladding» (Zhumekenova Zaure Zhetpisbaevna, 8D07101 – «Mechanical engineering»)

23.04.2022, 14:00 - «Development of structural and technological solutions to reduce dynamic loads and increase the durability of core drilling pumps» (Kolisnichenko Sergey Nikolaevich, 8D07101 (6D071200) – «Mechanical Engineering») 

23.04.2022, 16:30 - «Short-term forecasting of energy consumption using machine learning technologies» (Kalantayevskaya Natalia Igorevna, 8D07103 - "Power Engineering")

17.03.2022, 12:00 - «Development of mathematical models and algorithms for automatic control of the productivity of medicinal plant growth in the conditions of hydroponic systems» (Kim Gulnar, 6D075100 «Computer Science, computer engineering and management»)

28.01.2022, 12:00 - «Development of a software package for intelligent control of the fine grinding technological process» (Bigaliyeva Alfiya, 6D070400 «Computing technology and software»)


10.12.2021, 09:00 - «Development of an intellectual system for evaluating learning outcomes», (Kazanbayeva Albina, 6D075100 «Computer Science, computer engineering and management»)

10.12.2021, 12:00 - «Neurocomputer system of semantic analysis of the text» (Akanova Akerke, 6D075100 «Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management»)

10.12.2021, 15:00 - «The system of identification of patterns of multilingual texts» (Yerkebulan Gulnur , 6D075100 "Informatics, Computer Technology and Management")

11.12.2021, 09:00 - theme «Research of commutation methods of voltage stages of  a multilevel power inverter» (Moldakhmetov Sayat, 6D071900 «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications»)

11.12.2021, 11:00 - «Ultra-high-frequency drying of wood based on a single-wire surface wave line» (Ritter Yekaterina, 6D071900 «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications»)

11.12.2021, 14:00 - «Development of a distributed autonomous wireless Wi-Fi system for monitoring the technical condition of bridge structures and buildings» (Kaliaskarov Nurbol, 6D071900  «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications»)

11.12.2021, 16:00 - «Development of identification methods for digital signal processing for constructing measuring channels of infocommunication systems» (Koshekov Abay, 6D071900 «Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications»)  


25.04.2020, 09:00 – «Development of digital processing methods and intelligent analysis of electrocardiographic signals for the info-communication diagnostic system» (Savostina Galina, 6D071900 Radioengineering, Electronics and Telecommunications)

25.04.2020, 11:00 – «Development of methods and infocommunication system for searching response earthquake precursor based on intelligent analysis of seismograms» (Bibigul Koshekova, 6D071900 Radioengineering, Electronics and Telecommunications)

25.04.2020, 13:00 – «Development of a decision support system for University management based on indicative indicators» (Iklassova Kainizhamal, 6D075100 Computer science, computer technology and management)

25.04.2020, 15:00 – «Development of Innovative Technology for Recovery of Blades of Complex Geometry of Steam and Gas Turbines of CHP Using Highly Concentrated Sources of Plasma Energy» (Tatyana Ratushnaya, 6D071200 Machine Engineering)

25.04.2020, 17:00 – «Development of an intelligent system for diagnostics and monitoring of power equipment» (Latypov Sergey, 6D071800 «Electric Power Engineering»)




«Development of information monitoring system for granaries based on non-contact 3D measurements»(N. Astapenko 6D075100 CSCTM 12/11/18 at 3:00 p.m.)

«Development of information and telecommunication networks for remote control and monitoring of oil and gas equipment»(A. Kashevkin 6D071900 RET 12/11/18 at 12:00 p.m.)

«Development of high-precision automated control system for two-motor asynchronous electric drive of large-size units rotation mechanism»(P. Petrov 6D071900 RET 12/11/18 at 10:00 a.m.)