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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: ППС ФИЭП приняли участие в работе Зимней школы

С 13 по 25 января кафедра АНК проводит курсы повышения квалификации Зимняя школа по теме: "Формирование духовно-нравственных ценностей казахстанского читать далее

16 January 2025
MF: Промежуточная аттестация

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24 December 2024
AF: Тұрмыстық зорлық-зомбылық

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17 December 2024
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11 December 2024

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13 November 2024
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01 November 2024
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01 November 2024
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10 October 2024
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08 October 2024
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Rules for admission to the military training department

ANNOUNCEMENT of the start of accepting documents for participation in the competitive selection for training at the military department

The Military Department of the North Kazakhstan University named after Manash Kozybayev was established on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 160 dated March 2, 1998.

The Military Department, in accordance with the "Rules of Military training for reserve officers and reserve sergeants", approved by the Order of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 375 dated July 24, 2017, conducts a competitive selection of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the training of reserve officers and reserve sergeants.

Military training according to reserve officer programs is carried out free of charge (by state educational order) and on a reimbursable basis, according to the reserve sergeants program – on a reimbursable basis in accordance with the recruitment plan of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the mobilization needs of the Armed Forces, other troops and military formations, as well as the need to accumulate a military reserve.

The cost of tuition for military training on a reimbursable basis is determined by the OHPG.

Students studying at the OHPG full-time are allowed to participate in the competition, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan aged no older than 24 years for the year of the competition.

For training under the reserve officers training program, documents are accepted from students of the first (with 3 and 4 years of training) and second courses (with 5 years of training).

For training under the reserve sergeants training program, documents are accepted from students of the first, second (with 4-year training) and first, second, third courses (with 5-year training).

Students who have served military service are admitted to military training out of competition on a gratuitous (state educational order) basis after passing a medical examination.

The selection for training at the military department is carried out by the selection committee on the basis of a competition in accordance with the recruitment plan approved by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A student who has willing to participate in the competition for training at the military department submits documents in accordance with the list of documents for participation in the competitive selection:

  1. Application addressed to the head of the military department;
  2. Identity card (original and copy);
  3. 4 3x4 photos;
  4. Certificate of the presence or absence of a criminal record; 
  5. Certificate of the student's actual training in the OHPG, indicating the faculty and specialty;
  6. One transparent file (multifor).

After receiving the package of documents, the military department issues the student a receipt for documents and a medical examination card (form 7).

The competition for the selection of students to study at the military department is carried out in four stages.

1. The first stage is passing a medical examination in accordance with the Rules of military medical examination and the Regulations on military medical examination bodies in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2020 No. 716;

Medical examination of students is carried out in local military administration bodies from February 1 of the admission year.

Students who have not passed a medical examination are not allowed to participate in the competition.

2. The second stage is professional psychological testing.

Professional psychological testing of students is carried out in computer classes of OHPG and includes checking the level of motivation, stress resistance, critical and logical thinking.

3. The third stage is a physical fitness check.

Checking the physical fitness of students includes the acceptance of standards for physical culture. Students who do not score 9 points on the sum of the three standards are considered to have failed the competition stage.

Standards for physical culture

For male students


Control exercises






100 m running (s)





3000 m  running (min)





Pull-up on a high crossbar (number of times)





For female students


Control exercises






100 m running (s)





2000 m  running (min)





Lifting the torso from the supine position, hands behind the head (number of times)




4. The fourth stage is a competitive selection carried out in accordance with the calculation of the rating score compiled and approved by the head of the OHPG.

Passing each stage of the competition is allowed only once. An applicant who did not pass or did not appear at the previous stage of the competition is not allowed to the next stage.

Students accepted to study at the military department are potential candidates for conscription military service.

Additional information: academic building No. 7 and by phone 8 (7152) 36-94-56.