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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Military training department


The personnel of the military department is staffed by highly educated career officers and reserve officers with extensive experience in military service and educational work.

Over the 25 years of its existence, the department has trained and graduated more than 3,000 reserve lieutenants and sergeants. Graduates of the military department successfully serve in various positions in the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the border troops of the KNB and other military formations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Military training department is located in a separate educational building. The educational building is equipped with specialized classes for classes in all disciplines of military training. Multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards, electrified terrain models and BMP simulator are actively used in the training process.


There is an electronic laser shooting range "Rubin" with a target situation, providing the development of standards for fire training. In school technical training are placed infantry fighting vehicle BMP-2.  There is a parade ground, a room for storing weapons, warehouses for military equipment.

The Military training department has an Assembly hall with 154 seats, equipped with a multimedia projector for educational, military-patriotic and military-mass work with students.

There are 2520 books in the library fund of the Military training department.

The focus is on conducting field and practical training, instilling students with the necessary practical and team skills.

In 2015, the team of the Military training department took the second team place in the I-th Republican military-Patriotic youth gathering "aybin" among the 25 military departments of the Republic of Kazakhstan in military-applied sports.


The Military training department constantly conducts educational and military-Patriotic work. It is aimed at the formation of students of high moral, professional, combat and psychological qualities, organization and discipline necessary to fulfill the constitutional duty to protect the Motherland.

The teaching staff of the Military training department on their professional and moral and business qualities are able to perform its duties, conduct training and educational work and perform the program of military training in accordance with the requirements of the governing documents in full.

The price list for the training of a reserve officer, a reserve sergeant at the military department, who entered the university in 2024 and earlier on a paid basis for the 2024-2025 academic year


Sarzhanov Rabirt Zhanibekovich

Head of the military department

 +7 (7152) 369474 (факс)
Internal 1116

Dzhurinov Bakhodir Sattarovich

Deputy Head, lieutenant colonel of the reserve

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1124

Volnyh Pavel Anatolyevich

Senior lecturer, Colonel of the reserve

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1123


Sharipov Arman Shaimuratovich

Senior lecturer, Colonel of the reserve

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1123

Kirichenko Alexander Ivanovich

Candidate of military sciences, professor, Colonel of the reserve

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1117

Esmatov Tulegen Aitkenovich

Instructor-sergeant of the military department, Foreman

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1117

Kosmagambetov Alzhan Sarybaevich

Lecturer, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1123


Turusmanov Nurlan Nurmakhanovich

Lecturer, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1117

Tyuleyev Bakhtiyar Seisenbayevich

Lecturer, Reserve Lieutenant Colonel

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1117

Kuntaeva Irina Aleksandrovna

Specialist of the highest qualification of the military department

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1123


Mukhamedzhanova Saule Karmashevna

Specialist of the highest qualification of the military department

 +7 (7152) 369456, add. 1123