№ and date of the Protocol, form of the meeting |
Members of the Committee who participated in the meeting |
Issues considered |
Protocol № 6 of 08.10.2021, full-time
Chairman – Alibek Zhumabekovich Khusainov; Zhaizhumanova Asemgul Abayeva; Smagulov Didar Nurkenovich. |
1. On preliminary review of the results of annual monitoring and control over administrative costs of NJSC «North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybaev», including in terms of remuneration and bonuses (Speaker - Head of the Internal Audit Service Bugasova D.B.) 2. Report of the Internal Audit Service on the results of inspections for the 2nd quarter of 2021 (Speaker - Head of the Internal Audit Service Bugasova D.B.) 3. On the preliminary review of KPI employees of the Internal Audit Service for 2021 (Speaker - Head of the Internal Audit Service Bugasova D.B., Chairman of the Audit Committee Khusainov A.Zh.) |
Invited persons: R. Apergenova, D. Bugasova, K.Isenov, L. Kudritskaya, L. Seytimbetova.