The history of the Library of the North-Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev have started in 1937, when Petropavlovsk Teacher Institution was opened.
In the first day of its existence the library was counted for 1250 items of books, occupied one room and had only one authorized stuff unit – Xenia Markina, who worked at the library for about 30 years.
In 1959 the institution moved to the new building on Pushkin Street. The library in this building occupied 3 rooms, the library fond was counted for 53 800 books, brochures and magazines.
Since 1955 the library was headed by Lyudmila Avimskaya, who contributed into the development of forms and methods of the library works. Her work was awarded by the badge “Excellence in Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.
In 1960 an alphabetical and systematic catalogs were created, and in 1970 – the main reference card index.
In 1977 the square of the library was widen, 2 reading rooms, 2 subscriptions and a reference-bibliographical department were opened.
In the hard, not only for library but also the entire university years the management of the library has been assigned to Nadezhda Olkhovskaya, who has worked in a library for decades of years. The grade assistance in the library fond formation showed the libraries of the House of Political Education and Professional Committee of the Factory named after V. Lenin. In 1993 the work on creation of local history card indexes has been started.
In 1996 the library on North Kazakhstan University joined the library of the Supreme Technical College and the library staff warmly met Rakhimova G., Mandrigina G., Kapustina L., Kormina N., Kozhakhmetova Z.
The further development the library got in 1998, when the leadership was handled to Kymbat Nurpeissova. That included widening of the library structure, fund organization, attendance for readers by fields, introduction of library courses for the freshmen into the education process. During the same time the great attention is paid to the introduction of new information technologies. It starts with automation of bibliographic processes of buying software MSU "Library 4.02", then "Library 5.4", created an electronic catalogue, the library connects to the Internet.
Since 1998 the library takes part into competitions on awarding grants for several times. Taking part into the mega-project such as “Pushkin’s Library”, of the Institution “The Open Society” (Budapest), Soros-Kazakhstan Fund (for several times), British Council, Eurasian Fund, Geothe Institution, USIS, IREX, USAID (the Karan Corporation), the library got the unique collections of issues, TV set, video recorder and modem as well as educational materials and books. For instance, in 2001 the library got materials from Summer University – videotapes collection on the history and political science of Kazakhstan from the Soros Kazakhstan Fund, in 2002 100 books were received from the world known library of the British Council “Millennium Books” etc.
Since 1998 educational handbooks in electronic format, developed by faculty staff, are transmitted to the library fund for the organization of an electronic library. At the same year the head of the library K. Nurpeissova took part into the 2nd Summit of Librarians of Kazakhstan as a delegate.
In 1999 the library started to introduce an automation of basic librarian processes. The automation of librarian processes was started by O. Makarenko, T. Kalantyreva and A. Kazikanova. The work on the creation of databases has been started: the local history card indexes, the card indexes of works by scientific stuff of NKSU, thematic card indexes, card indexes of dissertation abstracts.
In 2000 was opened the sector of the Kazakh literature, and its fund was counted for 12 thousand items. This sector was headed by certified specialist G. Temirova. At the same year the fund of rare literature was founded. It is a unique collection of rare books of XVIII-XX centuries, which were counted for 3 thousand books. The collection of reference issues of rare fund are presented by Collegiate Dictionary of publishers F. Brockhaus and I.Efron, Granat brothers’ Collegiate Dictionary, Big Encyclopedia Ed. S. Yuzhakov and others, as well as collections of works of scholars NKSU.
For the great contribution to educational process by manuals of a new generation and intensive renewal of the fund, the association of Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan awarded with the Medal after A. K rector of North Kazakhstan State University Undasyn Baikenov in 2003, director of the Library Kymbat Nurpeissova in 2004, and the first provost of the University Feliks Sim in 2006. In 2004 the library square enhanced to 170 square meters, that let open reading room of socio-humanitarian sciences for 100 persons and the subscription of imaginative literature.
In October of 2005 the Library of the North Kazakhstan State University was a base for the republic conference “The electronic library of University: creation, usage and development prospects”.
In June of 2006 24 computers were set in reading rooms, the fund on electronic transmitters were counted for 715 items.
In 2007, for the acquisition of the library 150.0 million tenge were allocated and library fund was added to 77 839 copies of books. By the end of the year the fund of the university were counted for more than 1 million units. Electronic library catalogue has more than 60 thousand records. Research Library services enjoyed over 10 thousand users that was issued more than 1.2 million books and journals. With the increase in book fund and the number of readers is expanding library structure, purchased new machinery and equipment, create comfortable conditions for the readers.
In 2008 Kymbat Nurpeissova joined the work of the World Librarians Congress in Quebec (Canada), named “Library without boundaries towards mutual understanding”.
In 2009 after the overhaul of the EВ №10, expanded library space, given the current design. The structure of the library complex has changed, it gave the opportunity to open a separate reading room of periodicals in the Kazakh language, electronic reading room, reading room for teachers of rare literature, branch reading room (psychologist - educational literature), has expanded room directories. Opening the new branch reading rooms, library subscriptions, the library tries to maximize, to bring its holdings to readers. In order to bring the library to the educational process in the EB №6 has opened a department of economic and legal literature, the foundation of physical and mathematical literature referred to subscribe to the EB №5, the literature on the design transferred to the EB №5. There are electronic media fund, which represents the multimedia encyclopedias, educational facilities, educational programs, fund feature films in the electronic reading room. Since 2009, the library NKSU named after M. Kozybayev is being a member of the Association of Information Consortium of Kazakhstan Libraries.
In 2010 the library received 90 computers of new generation that helped to create comfortable conditions for the education of students and teachers. In the same year was created a full-text database of articles "NKSU named after M. Kozybayev in print, "multi-functional informational resource "Virtual Exhibition", implemented a digitizing of books carried an increased demand from the Rare Literature (4 items), for the rapid provision of information on provision of bookswas performed the module "The provision of specialties by books".
In December 2011, an automated library - information system "Irbis 64" is implemented. In the same year in the Reading Room of Educational Building № 10 15 new generation computers were installed.
2012. Conversion of bibliographic records from the database "Library 5.4" in the electronic catalog "Irbis". Computer park library added 25 new generation computers.
The history of the scientific library of the North Kazakhstan State University and its successes – it is not only dates and figures, but people, who were working there for years. We remember with gratitude the names of such employees such as M. Devyatkina, K. Boyarskaya, N. Gryzova, N. Shorohova, N. Olhovskaya, Z. Kozhakhmetova, M. Nurzhaupova, A. Greilikh, R. Aribzhanova, V. Stepanova, N. Karlyuchenko, N. Kormina, L. Kapustina etc.
Successes and achievements of the library would not be possible without the dedicated and productive activities of all staff. In the library compex work 40 staff, and specialists with higher education are counted for 36 people, including 13 librarians with special higher education. Material and technical base of the library today corresponds all modern requirements, which face all informational and educational units: 7 subscriptions and 8 reading rooms, the electronic access to the informational resources is implemented in the reading rooms, where are set 144 personal computers, which are connected to NKSU Net. All users can apply to the Internet resources, corporative resources of Republic inter-institutional electronic library and private resources of the university and also necessary unit of the equipment: multifunctional devices – 6 units, printers – 8 units, musical center – 1 unit, home cinema – 1 unit, TV set - 2 units, etc.
The library of the North Kazakhstan State University is the methodical center for college libraries of the region. It shows a methodical and consultative assistance on the diverse directions of informational and bibliographic service. Our team is full of energy and creative plans and is making every effort to meet modern requirements.