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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Career and employment center

Main goals and objectives

The main goal of the center activity is: organization, provision and coordination of students passing all kinds of professional practices, assisting students and graduates in finding employment, advising students and graduates on the development of professional activities and careers, developing a system of social partnership with local executive bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations in Petropavlovsk and North Kazakhstan region.

The main activities of the center are:

1) Professional practice of students.
2) Employment of students and graduates.
3) Public-private partnership.
4) Dual learning.

To achieve the goal of the center it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1) Organization of professional practices of students.
2) Organization of employment of students and graduates.
3) Development of a public-private partnership system.
4) Promoting the development of elements of dual learning.

Social media




Taskaliyeva Nazira Serikovna

Acting Head

 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1025


Meirbek Balnur Kairatkyzy


 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1025 


Kusubekova Akerke Suraganovna


 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1025



Kubaisova Alia Moldagalievna


 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1025