Main goals and objectives

The main goal of the IEC is to improve the quality and accessibility of higher education for students with disabilities and persons with special educational needs (SEN). The IEC provides assistance in the field of career guidance, training and support for students with SEN, promotes the employment of students with SEN, and also assists in conducting advanced training courses for university teaching staff on the methodology of working with students with SEN.
To achieve its goals, the IEC provides such problem solving as:
- Monitoring the status and development of inclusive education in the Kozybaуev University.
- Creation of a database of students with disabilities and persons with SEN in the Kozybaуev University. Identification of their educational needs.
- Ensuring the interaction of departments and other structural units involved in the system of comprehensive rehabilitation of students with disabilities and persons with SEN (educational, social, medical) in the organization of higher education programs.
- The implementation of professional navigation for students with disabilities and persons with SEN: from the formation of a database of applicants with SEN, future potential students of the Kozybaуev University to postgraduate career support for graduates with SEN.
- Methodological and information-analytical support for students with disabilities and persons with SEN.
- Advanced training of managers, teaching staff, employees of the Kozybaуev University on inclusive education.
- Conducting applied scientific research on the problems of inclusive education.
Karim Akzhan Nurlanovich