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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

International Campus

Main goals and objectives

The primary goal of the International Campus is the development and implementation of dual degree and joint educational programs in collaboration with the University of Arizona.

To achieve this goal, the International Campus must address the following tasks:

  • Launch new and implement existing educational programs in cooperation with the University of Arizona.
  • Organize the educational process for students of dual degree and joint educational programs.
  • Develop strategic partnerships with the University of Arizona.
  • Ensure the teaching of disciplines and courses stipulated by national educational standards and typical curricula, as well as elective disciplines and courses relevant to the division's activities.
  • Meet the societal demand for qualified specialists in the relevant fields, possessing the necessary set of competencies, and train highly qualified academic and scientific personnel.
  • Introduce modern pedagogical technologies and innovative teaching methods into the educational process.
  • Promote the adoption and strengthening of measures aimed at effectively combating corruption and maintaining academic integrity.

Ensure the principle of openness and transparency of the educational process, creating opportunities for dialogue among participants and obtaining feedback from them



Zhanissov Asset Temirkhanovich

Executive Director

 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1190-3024



Acting Deputy Executive Director for Science and Innovation

 +7 (7152) 493233, доб. 1190-3024



Zhadan Konstantin Sergeevich

Acting Deputy Executive Director for Academic Affairs

 +7 (7152) 493233, add. 1190-3012


Saparov Kairat Kanatovich

Location Manager



Operational Manager 




Balpysheva Akmaral Kaharmanovna


 +7 (7152) 493233, қос. 1190-3012


Bisseneva Anar Kazbekovna


 +7 (7152) 493233, қос. 1190-3024


Tokisheva Shnar Amanzholovna

Senior English Instructor



Bunina Albina Rashidovna

Instructor for the development of language competencies




Instructor for the development of language competencies