Tungyshbaeva Saule Zharylgapovna
Senior lecturer, "Building and design" chair , master
Scientometric identifiers:
Language proficiency: Kazakh | C2 |
Russian | C2 |
English | A1 |
The Hirsch Index:
Education1998 | Karaganda State Technical University | Production of building products and structures |
2018 | Karaganda State Technical University | Magistracy 6M072900 "Construction" |
Courses and certificatesStart date | End date | Academic hours | Venue | Course name | Сертификат |
26.02.2018 | 20.03.2018 | 72 | Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz | "Innovative education: essence, functions, features" | Открыть
22.06.2014 | 28.06.2014 | 40 | Karaganda State Technical University | "Advanced principles of construction of multi-storey buildings" | Открыть
24.11.2013 | 08.12.2013 | 72 | Karaganda State Technical University | "Architecture and Construction" | Открыть
18.06.2012 | 29.06.2012 | 72 | Karaganda State Technical University | "Overview of seismic design on simple buildings", "Strength and ductility of high strength RC columns" | Открыть
26.10.2014 | 08.11.2014 | 88 | Karaganda State Technical University | "Construction and operation of nuclear power plants" | Открыть
02.11.2019 | 20.11.2019 | 72 | North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev | Calculation of building structures using the LIRA-CAD PC | Открыть
11.01.2021 | 20.01.2021 | 36 | North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev | On issues of labor legislation, external regulatory framework in the field of education, internal regulatory documents | Открыть
13.11.2020 | 13.11.2020 | 72 | CENTRE "STUDY" | COURSE in IELTS PREPARATION | Открыть
24.06.2019 | 24.06.2019 | 120 | Center for International Educational Programs "STUDY" | ELEMENTARY | Открыть
12.10.2020 | 06.11.2020 | 72 | North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev | "Methods of distance learning and effective organization of the educational process" | Открыть
21.02.2023 | 07.03.2023 | 72 | National Open University "INTUIT" | English language | Открыть
Учебное пособие (last 3 years)- Полищук Н. Ю., Тунгышбаева С. Ж., Архитектурное проектирование гражданского здания открыть
- Тунгышбаева С. Ж., Азаматтық ғимараттардың сәулеттік жобалауы открыть
Учебно-методическое пособие (last 3 years)- Аубакирова Б. Б., Берикбаева М. А., Тунгышбаева С. Ж., Құрылыс объектілерін жобалау және ақпараттық модельдеу БББ үшін Практиканы өткізу бойынша әдістемелік нұсқаулар открыть
- Аубакирова Б. Б., Берикбаева М. А., Тунгышбаева С. Ж., 6В07301 Құрылыс мамандығы бойынша тәжірибе өткізуге арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулар открыть