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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Tungyshbaeva Saule Zharylgapovna

Tungyshbaeva Saule Zharylgapovna

Senior lecturer, "Building and design" chair , master
Scientometric identifiers:
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The Hirsch Index:
1998Karaganda State Technical UniversityProduction of building products and structures
2018Karaganda State Technical University Magistracy 6M072900 "Construction"
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
26.02.201820.03.201872Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz"Innovative education: essence, functions, features"Открыть
22.06.201428.06.201440Karaganda State Technical University"Advanced principles of construction of multi-storey buildings"Открыть
24.11.201308.12.201372Karaganda State Technical University"Architecture and Construction"Открыть
18.06.201229.06.201272Karaganda State Technical University"Overview of seismic design on simple buildings", "Strength and ductility of high strength RC columns"Открыть
26.10.201408.11.201488Karaganda State Technical University"Construction and operation of nuclear power plants"Открыть
02.11.201920.11.201972North Kazakhstan State University named after M. KozybayevCalculation of building structures using the LIRA-CAD PCОткрыть
11.01.202120.01.202136North Kazakhstan State University named after M. KozybayevOn issues of labor legislation, external regulatory framework in the field of education, internal regulatory documentsОткрыть
13.11.202013.11.202072CENTRE "STUDY"COURSE in IELTS PREPARATION Открыть
24.06.201924.06.2019120Center for International Educational Programs "STUDY"ELEMENTARYОткрыть
12.10.202006.11.202072North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev"Methods of distance learning and effective organization of the educational process"Открыть
21.02.202307.03.202372National Open University "INTUIT"English languageОткрыть
Учебное пособие (last 3 years)
  • Полищук Н. Ю., Тунгышбаева С. Ж., Архитектурное проектирование гражданского здания открыть
  • Тунгышбаева С. Ж., Азаматтық ғимараттардың сәулеттік жобалауы открыть
Учебно-методическое пособие (last 3 years)
  • Аубакирова Б. Б., Берикбаева М. А., Тунгышбаева С. Ж., Құрылыс объектілерін жобалау және ақпараттық модельдеу БББ үшін Практиканы өткізу бойынша әдістемелік нұсқаулар открыть
  • Аубакирова Б. Б., Берикбаева М. А., Тунгышбаева С. Ж., 6В07301 Құрылыс мамандығы бойынша тәжірибе өткізуге арналған әдістемелік нұсқаулар открыть