Zhunusova Raushan Shayahmetovna
Senior lecturer, department of Foreign languages, master
Scientometric identifiers:
Language proficiency: Kazakh | B1 |
Russian | C2 |
English | C1 |
German | B1 |
The Hirsch Index:
Education1988 | 1987 Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute named after K.D.Ushinski | Foreign Languages (English, German) |
2013 | Abai Myrzakhmetov Kokshetau University | "Pedagogy, psychology" |
Courses and certificatesStart date | End date | Academic hours | Venue | Course name | Сертификат |
11.01.2021 | 23.01.2021 | 72 | ZOOM 83707026406(2002) | "CLIL technology in the teaching of professional-based disciplines (in English)" | |
13.07.2020 | 24.07.2020 | 72 | SKU named after M. Kozybaev | Distance learning system in the context of digitalization on the example of Moodle | |
12.10.2020 | 06.11.2020 | 72 | M.Kozybaev University | Distance learning methods and effective organization of the educational process | |
Scientific interests / Fields of researchpedagogy, methods of teaching foreign languages
Awards, premiums, personal grants (republican or international)2018 | Medal for the 80th anniversary of the University |