Imanov Amangeldy Kalkenovich
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Scientometric identifiers: The Hirsch Index: 1
Education1992 | Pedagogical Institute named after K.D.Ushinsky Petropavlovsk | Geography and biology |
1997 | KazNPU named after Abay, postgraduate study | 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of education and pedagogy, ethnopedagogy |
2008 | KazNPU named after Abai, Almaty | PhD thesis defense 13.00.01 - General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education, ethnopedagogy |
2019 | SKSU named after M.Kozybayev | Pedagogy and psychology |
Courses and certificatesScientific interests / Fields of researchHistory of education and pedagogy of Kazakhstan. Ethnopedagogy and ethnopsychology. Inclusive education. Pedagogy and psychology of higher education. Professional ethics of a teacher. Cyberbedagogy: cybersocialization of personality. Technologies of formation of a professional image of a teacher.
Awards, premiums, personal grants (republican or international)2008 | Certificate of Honor of the Head of the Department of Education of the North Kazakhstan Region (S.Denkenova ) |
2012 | Diploma of the rector of M.Kozybayev NCSU (U.Ashimov) |
2013 | Certificate of Honor of the Department for the Protection of Children's Rights of the North Kazakhstan Region (V. Litvinenko) |
2014 | Letter of thanks JSC " Orleu "(G. K. Akhmetova) |
2016 | A LETTER OF THANKS from the Rector of M.Kozybayev NCSU (U.Ashimov) |
2016 | Minister of gratitude of the Republic of Kazakhstan (E. Sagadiyev) |
2017 | GRATITUDE of the President of the public fund for Children and Adults with Down syndrome "Sunny House - Shvets A G." |
2018 | CERTIFICATE OF HONOR OF the Akim OF THE North Kazakhstan REGION (K.Aksakalov) |
2018 | Letter of thanks KSU "center for methodological work and information technologies in the field of Education" - R. Sarken |
2018 | MEDAL of Academician M.Kozybayev (MM No. 0052 decision of the Academic Council of M.Kozybayev NCSU - Protocol No. 10 of 02/23/2018 ) |
2019 | Algys Khat - Rector of M.Kozybayev NCSU (S.Omirbayev) |
2019 | Algys Khat - Director of the Republican Educational and Methodological Center for Additional Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (R.Sher) |
2019 | Algys Khat -Akim of Timiryazevsky district of North Kazakhstan region (E.Sagdiev) |
2019 | LETTER OF THANKS from the Director of the Petropavlovsk Social Service Center (A.Aibatov) |
2021 | Letter of thanks-branch of JSC NCPC" Orleu " IPK PR in North Kazakhstan region |
2021 | Certificate of Honor - Chairman of the Board of the M. Kozybayev SHU E. Shulanov |
2021 | THANK YOU LETTER. KSU "Department of education of the akimat of North Kazakhstan region" - Karimova G. R. № 4305 |
2022 | ALGYS of the Minister of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan (A. Aimagambetova)№ 22-2-7-01/001001 |
2022 | Breast MEDAL "BEST TEACHER - 2022 CIS" for contribution to the development of science and education (No. 077) |
GrantsScientific publications (last 3 years)- Иманов А. К., Мурзалинова А. Ж., Blended learning in professional training of teachers, Scientific Herald of Uzhhorod University Series “Physics” Journal homepage: https://physics.uz.ua/en Issue 56, 519–526 открыть
- Иманов А. К., Мурзалинова А. Ж., Уалиева Н. Т., Ертаева Д. М., Алпысбаева М. Б., Путь к профессии педагога: учись учиться. Profit ресурс, Петропавловск: СКУ им. М. Козыбаева,2023. – 161 с. открыть
- Иманов А. К., Кенжебаева Д. К., Сағидуллаева А. Б., Тұлғаның эмоционалды интеллектісін дамыту мәселесі, «Cовременное педагогическое образование: интеграция науки и практики»: материалы международной научно-практической. конференции: в 1 томе. Т. 1. – Петропавловск: СКУ им. М. Козыбаева, 2023. – С. 138 – 141. открыть
- Иманов А. К., Мурзалинова А. Ж., Уалиева Н. Т., Редизайн психологически благоприятной и дружественной образовательной среды, «Шоқан оқулары-27: Аймақты дамытудағы университет ғылымының рөлі» арналған халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық конференциясының материалдары, Қазақстан, Көкшетау, 2023. Т. 1., - 811 б.С. 231-237 открыть
- Иманов А. К., Мурзалинова А. Ж., Непрерывное профессиональное развитие казахстанских педагогов в условиях сдвига образовательной парадигмы, Сибирский педагогический журнал. – 2023. - № 1. - С. 49-60 открыть
Учебно-методическое пособие (last 3 years)- Иманов А. К., Технологии формирования профессионального имиджа педагога открыть