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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Shashkina Irina Sergeevna

Shashkina Irina Sergeevna

Senior lecturer, "Building and design" chair , master
Scientometric identifiers:
Language proficiency:
The Hirsch Index:
1995Karaganda Pedagogical InstituteDrawing, fine arts, decorative and applied activities
2011Omsk State Pedagogical UniversityHigher School Pedagogy (Master's degree)
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
26.12.202209.01.202372Russian Federation, Moscow, National Open University INTUITEffective work of a teacherОткрыть
28.03.202211.04.202272Russian Federation, Moscow, National Open University INTUITTesting in modern higher educationОткрыть
27.05.202110.06.202172Russian Federation, Moscow, National Open University INTUITDigital editing in Adobe Photoshop CSОткрыть
20.05.202003.06.202072Russian Federation, Moscow, National Open University INTUITAdobe Photoshop CS6Открыть
18.05.202101.06.202172Russian Federation, Moscow, National Open University INTUITWorking in CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7Открыть
28.02.202314.03.202372Russian Federation, Moscow, National Open University INTUITThe tenses of the verb Indefinite Simple and Continuous in EnglishОткрыть
16.10.202320.10.202372National Center for the Development of Higher Education, PetropavlovskRegional training seminar on the track "Moderator" within the framework of the project "My profession is my future"Открыть
15.02.202426.02.202472Kozybaev University, PetropavlovskThe methodology of inclusive educationОткрыть
01.08.202415.08.202472Russian Federation, Moscow, National Open University INTUITThe basics of publishingОткрыть
01.08.202415.08.202472Russian Federation, Moscow, National Open University INTUITWorking in CorelDRAW X5Открыть
Scientific interests / Fields of researchPrinciples of universal design as a component of professional competencies of designersScientific publications (last 3 years)
  • Шашкина И. С., Попова Ю. А., Иллюстрации к сказкам народов Казахстана (произведение изобразительного искусства), Авторское право №42019 от 15.01.2024 г. открыть
Учебное пособие (last 3 years)
  • Шашкина И. С., Раковец Н. С., Детская игровая площадка открыть