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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Zhekeev Dauren Shansharovich

Zhekeev Dauren Shansharovich

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1: 2007 год
1997North Kazakhstan University4301 Industrial and civil construction
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
01.10.200212.10.200272North Kazakhstan State University. Institute for Retraining and Advanced TrainingDevelopment of e-learning aids
12.01.200416.01.200432Closed Joint Stock Company "АСКОН-Омск"Design and development of design non-parametric documentation in КОМПАС-График 5.х
24.03.200407.04.200472North Kazakhstan State University. Institute for Retraining and Advanced TrainingOrganization of the educational process based on credit technology
15.04.200425.04.200472CJSC "Аскон-Омск"Certified Teacher in the KOMPAS-3D V6 Plus system 3 levels of specialization "Construction"
01.02.201012.02.201016North Kazakhstan State University. Institute for Retraining and Advanced TrainingApplication of the interactive complex Smart-Board 680i
21.05.201202.06.201272Karaganda State Industrial UniversityNon-destructive inspection methods in geotechnics and construction
02.02.201402.05.201440North-Kazakhstan State University named after M. KozybayevaEnglish language (Beginner)
09.01.201720.01.201772North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybaev. Institute for Retraining and Advanced TrainingInnovative technologies in education
17.09.201828.09.201880JSC "Kazakhstan Center for Modernization and Development of Housing and Communal Services"Energy management, energy audit and energy saving in housing
01.05.201801.05.20188Publishing house "Epigraph"Electronic Library: Computer Technologies in Education
01.06.201801.06.20188Publishing house "Epigraph"Electronic textbook: new technologies in education
04.03.201918.03.201972LLP «Албау Стройсофт»ЛИРА-САПР for beginners
15.06.202030.06.202072Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan universityDistance learning system in the context of informatization and digitalization, on the example of Moodle
24.09.202025.09.202018Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan universityOrganization of the educational process and development of educational programs in a new context
12.10.202006.11.202072Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan universityDistance learning methods and effective organization of the educational process
08.12.202008.12.2020Municipal state institution "Department of State Architectural and Construction Control and Licensing of the Akimat of the North Kazakhstan regionCertificate of an expert performing expert work and engineering services in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities
04.03.202204.03.20228Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and MetrologyDevelopment of standardization documents for new materials, products, and methods
04.03.202204.03.20228Kazakhstan Institute of Standardization and MetrologyEstimation of measurement uncertainty for verification, calibration and testing laboratories
16.10.202320.10.202336Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university"Collector-analyst" within the framework of the "Profession-the future" project
30.01.202413.02.202472National Open University "ИНТУИТ"Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
13.02.202427.02.202472National Open University "ИНТУИТ"Computer graphics in engineering analysis and scientific visualization
05.11.202405.11.20248North Kazakhstan University named after. M. KozybaevScientific Staff Training: Modern Technologies and Tools in Multimedia for Teaching and Learning
11.11.202411.11.20248North Kazakhstan University named after. M. KozybaevScientific Staff Training: An Integrated Approach to Data Science and Big Data Management
04.12.202406.12.20248North Kazakhstan University named after. M. KozybaevMicroqualification
07.02.202521.02.202572National Open University ИНТУИТArchitectural visualization in ArchiCAD and Cinema 4D
10.02.202521.02.202572North Kazakhstan University named after. M. KozybaevMethods of inclusive education
Scientific interests / Fields of researchStress-strain state of flat building structures; Engineering and geological surveys for construction.Учебно-методическое пособие (last 3 years)
  • Полищук Н. Ю., Жекеев Д. Ш., Имамбаев Н. С., Методические указания по проведению практики по образовательной программе 6В07302 Проектирование и информационное моделирование строительных объектов открыть
  • Полищук Н. Ю., Жекеев Д. Ш., Имамбаев Н. С., Методические указания по проведению практики по образовательной программе 6В07301 Строительство открыть