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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"


Murzabaeva Madina Dalbaevna

Murzabaeva Madina Dalbaevna

Associate Professor, "Clinical disciplines" chair , candidate of medical sciences
Scientometric identifiers:
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The best teacher:
1: 2018 год
2: 2019 год
3: 2020 год
1985Karaganda State Medical InstituteMedical business
1992Tselinograd Medical InstituteClinical Residency "Internal Medicine"
1997Almaty State Medical University named after AsfendiyarovPostgraduate study "Cardiology (adult)
Courses and certificates
Start dateEnd dateAcademic hoursVenueCourse nameСертификат
23.10.202124.10.202112Republican Association "Kazakh Collegium of Rheumatology" NJSC "Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. AsfendiyarovAutoimmune diseases: interdisciplinary issuesОткрыть
26.04.201927.04.201912Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. "Kazakh collegium of rheumatology". National Medical University of AlmatyKazakhstan2nd Congress of Rheumatologists of the Republic of KazakhstanОткрыть
10.09.202013.09.202020ROO Kazakh Collegium of Rheumatology NAO "Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov"3Congress of Rheumatologists of KazakhstanОткрыть
23.04.202124.04.202112ROO "Kazakh Collegium of Rheumatology" NAO "Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarov" Congress of Rheumatologists of KazakhstanОткрыть
13.05.202214.05.202216ROOKazakh Collegium of RheumatologyNAO "Kazakh National Medical University named after SD Asfendiyarov" League of Eurasian Rheumatologists6Eurasian Congress of RheumatologistsОткрыть
11.06.202112.06.202113Regional Public Organization "Kazakh Collegium of Rheumatology" South Kazakhstan Medical Academy, Shymkent"Jubilee International School of Rheumatology "Rheumatology in the era of Covid-19"Открыть
13.07.202010.08.2020216LLP "International Progressive Academy", AlmatyActual issues of rheumatologyОткрыть
21.11.202220.12.2022240NJSC "Semey Medical University"Topical issues of modern rheumatologyОткрыть
03.02.202014.02.202072Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan NKSU named after M. Kozybaev"Psychological and pedagogical foundations of inclusive education"
24.09.202025.09.202018NAO SKU named after M. KozybaevOrganization of the educational process and development of educational programs in a new context
13.07.202024.07.202072NAO SKU named after M. KozybaevDistant learning system in the context of informatization and digitalization, on the example Distant learning system in the context of informatization and digitalization, on the example of MoodleОткрыть
29.11.202029.11.20206Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian Association of Endocrinologistsconference "Osteoporosis in the metropolis - prospects for diagnosis and treatment"
23.11.202028.11.202054NJSC "Semey Medical University""Effective teaching in medical school"
30.11.202007.12.202054NJSC "Semey Medical University"Development of educational programsОткрыть
04.10.202103.12.2021Nazarbayev UniversityEducational leadershipОткрыть
15.10.202015.10.2025Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Republican State Institution "Department for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the Committee for Quality Control and Safety of Goods and Services of the MZRKHighest qualification category Rheumatology /adult/Открыть
02.03.202302.03.20234OOpulmonologists and thoracic surgeons AlmatyModern masks of interstitial diseases at the intersection of pulmonology and rheumatologyОткрыть
26.08.202206.09.202236non-commercial joint stock company SKU named after M. KozybaevCritical and creative thinking
08.04.202303.04.2023144Moscow LLP "Kontur Prof"electrocardiography advanced course
Scientific interests / Fields of researchCARDIOLOGY, RHEUMATOLOGY, DEFECTOLOGYAwards, premiums, personal grants (republican or international)
2018Certificate of Appreciation from the Rector of M. Kozybaev NKSU
2019medal of academician Manash Kozybaev
2020Letter of Commendation from the Rector of NAOSKSU named after M. Kozybaev
Учебно-методическое пособие (last 3 years)
  • Мурзабаева М. Д., Производственная практика "Помощник врача терапевтического стационара" открыть