Starkova Alёna Vyacheslavovna
Senior lecturer, department of German-Roman philology, master
Start date | End date | Academic hours | Venue | Course name | Сертификат |
17.03.2020 | 17.04.2020 | 36 | University of Pennsylvania and offered through
Coursera | English for Science, Technology, Engineering, and
Mathematics | Открыть
28.01.2020 | 28.02.2020 | 36 | University of Pennsylvania and offered through
Coursera | English for Media Literacy | Открыть
20.06.2020 | 20.07.2020 | 36 | McMaster University and University of
California San Diego and offered through Coursera | Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to
help you master tough subjects | Открыть
02.01.2020 | 02.05.2020 | 88 | M. Kozybaev SKU, American Corner S. Mukanov Regional Library | the 'American English Massive Open
Online Course (AE MOOC) Facilitated Sessions' project,
completing successfully 'English for Media Literacy' and
'English for STEM' courses | Открыть
02.09.2020 | 13.11.2020 | 72 | M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University, I-Study | IELTS Preparation | Открыть
07.12.2020 | 07.12.2020 | | Astana, I-Study office | IELTS, 7.0 | Открыть
01.08.2021 | 08.08.2022 | 36 | University of Copenhagen and Technical
University of Denmark (DTU) and offered through Coursera | Academic Information Seeking | Открыть
20.08.2021 | 27.09.2021 | 36 | University of Amsterdam and offered through
Coursera | Qualitative Research Methods | Открыть
18.10.2021 | 10.12.2021 | 36 | Online, U.S. Department of State English Language Specialist Heidi Demello | English Language teaching methodology, content and curriculum development, phase III | Открыть
11.01.2021 | 30.04.2021 | 72 | Online, U.S. Department of State English Language Specialist, Heidi Demello | English Language teaching methodology, content and curriculum development, phase II | Открыть
06.12.2021 | 20.12.2021 | 72 | Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Pedagogical University" | Strategies for Teaching Professionally Oriented English | Открыть
08.11.2024 | 08.12.2024 | 36 | Macquarie University, IBM via Coursera | «Artificial Intelligence (AI) Education for Teachers» | Открыть
14.03.2024 | 15.05.2024 | 72 | IKBFU, Kaliningrad, Russian Federation | Psychological, Pedagogical, and Methodological Support for English Language Teachers | Открыть
Cognitive linguistics, semantics (semantic field), country studies, foreign literature
2009 | Diploma for the 2nd place in the republican competition of student scientific works |
2012 | Certificate for participation in the international scientific and methodological seminar "Multilingualism and intercultural education: the experience of teaching foreign languages in Kazakhstan" at L.N. Gumilyov ENU. |
2014 | Diploma for personal contribution to the development of languages in the Republic of Kazakhstan |
2015 | Statement of Accomplishment with Distinction "Shaping the Way We Teach English 1: The Landscape of English Language Teaching", Oregon. |
2015 | Gratitude for participation in the organization of the Days of Science at the Institute of Language and Literature |
2019 | Certificate for participation in a series of online seminars "Information tools for the analysis of scientific activity", Web of Science Group |