The Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies announces a competition among students "Learn! Create! Act!".
We invite you to take part in the development of navigation around the university, creating the image and brand of the university, as well as come up with images that set the mood!
Navigation through the university is a whole system that should show what, where to be, while it can become an independent bright element of stylish design. The image and brand of the university should carry information about what our University is, what its individuality is, what values and principles are inherent in it. Our University is a huge space in which we exist every day. Provide for the placement of any objects or images whose task is to cause a smile, to set up a person in a positive way. Don't forget that different spaces suggest different moods.
The requirements for the competition entries are published on the instagram page of FEDT.
Acceptance of works: from 20.11.2022 to 14.12.2022.
Publication of competitive works - until 15.12.2022.
Summing up the results of the competition on 20.12.2022.