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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
MF: Олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine»

С 07.02. по 14.02 на медицинском факультете была проведена олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine». Основной целью Олимпиа читать далее

14 February 2025
MF: Кураторский час ко дню благодарения

Согласно плану мероприятий ко Дню Благодарности медицинского факультета, заведующий кафедрой «Фундаментальная медицина» Берденов Д.К. и п читать далее

13 February 2025
NSSF: Работа сертификационного центра 1С продолжается

4 февраля 2025 года обучающимся выпускного курса специальностей «Учет и аудит» и «Экономика», по результатам изучения дисципли читать далее

04 February 2025
NSSF: ППС ФИЭП приняли участие в работе Зимней школы

С 13 по 25 января кафедра АНК проводит курсы повышения квалификации Зимняя школа по теме: "Формирование духовно-нравственных ценностей казахстанского читать далее

16 January 2025
MF: Промежуточная аттестация

Промежуточная аттестация является одной из главных составляющих обучения при получении высшего медицинского образования. С 17.12.2024 года, согласно у читать далее

24 December 2024
AF: Тұрмыстық зорлық-зомбылық

Для студентов агротехнологического факультета прошел круглый стол под названием «Тұрмыстық зорлық-зомбылық» (бытовое насилие).   читать далее

17 December 2024
MF: Подготовка к сессии

  10 декабря 2024 года в преддверии начала экзаменационной сессии, на Медицинском факультете состоялась встреча администрации факультета со студ читать далее

11 December 2024

Монография - особый «знак отличия» в исследовательской среде, востребованной вызовами сложного мира.​В проектной исследовательской работе читать далее

13 November 2024
Читать все

Admission requirements

Requirements for candidates

The following people can be accepted for doctoral program, who have Master’s academic degree and work experience of at least 9 (nine) months or who have completed residency training in medical specialties.

Step 1. Acceptance of applications


Admission to doctoral studies is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of entrance exams. Retake of entrance exams is not allowed.

Acceptance of applications for doctoral studies is carried out by admissions committees and (or) through the NTC information system in the following terms:

  • from July 3 to August 3;
  • from October 25 to 10 November.

Instructions for submitting an application

Persons entering doctoral studies in groups of educational programs in the fields of education "Pedagogical Sciences", "Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics", "Information and Communication Technologies", "Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries", as well as training areas "Humanities", "Social Sciences", "Business and Management", pass a block on examination questions on the profile of a group of educational programs, and are exempt from writing an essay and a test to determine readiness for doctoral studies in the presence of an international certificate of passing the standardized GRE (Graduate Record Examination) test according to the scale of points transfer.

Persons who have an international certificate of passing the standardized GRE test must enter the data when applying for participation in the entrance exam and in the competition.

Admission Committee:

Address: Petropavlovsk, 114 Zhumabaeva str., academic building No. 6, auditorium 118
Phone of the admissions committee: 8 (7152) 493037
Working hours: from 9.00 to 18.00, during the reception of documents - seven days a week

List of documents:

  1. application in any form;
  2. document of education (original, when submitting documents to the admissions committee);
  3. identity document (required for identification);
  4. the official certificate of passing the exam in the state language (KAZTEST) issued by the NCT, with the exception of foreign citizens;
  5. certificate confirming proficiency in a foreign language:
  • English: 
    • International English Language Tests System Academic  (IELTS Academic), threshold score – at least 5.0; 
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm Internet-based Test (TOEFL IBT), threshold score – at least 35 points; 
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (TOEFL ITP), threshold score – at least 417;
    • TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication), threshold score – at least 550;
    • Duolingo English Test, threshold score – at least 80.
  • German: 
    • Deutsche Sprachpruеfung fuеr den Hochschulzugang Niveau В1 (DSH, Niveau В1) - not lower than level B1; 
    • TestDaF-Prufung Niveau В1 (TDF Niveau В1) - not lower than level  В1; 
  • French:   
    • Test de Français International (TFI) – not lower than level B1 in the reading and listening sections;
    • Diplome d’Etudes en Langue français (DELF) - not lower than level B1; 
    • Diplome Approfondi de Langue français (DALF) - not lower than level B1; 
    • Test de connaissance du français (TCF) – not lower than level В1.

6. a medical certificate in the form 075/y in electronic format, approved by Order No. KR DSM-175/2020. In cases of restrictive measures, the introduction of a state of emergency, the occurrence of social, natural and man-made emergencies in a certain territory, a medical certificate is provided directly to the educational organization as these measures are withdrawn;
7. six photos measuring 3x4 centimeters;
8. a document confirming labor activity, according to the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the exception of foreign citizens;
9. list of scientific publications for the last 3 calendar years, research plan (if available);
10. results of the preliminary selection (in the field of education "Healthcare");

! The documents listed in sub-paragraphs 4), 5) and 8) are provided in originals and copies, after verification of which the originals are returned to the applicant. 

! Persons who have a certificate of Test of English as a Foreign Language Institutional Testing Programm (TOEFL ITP) take additional testing for English language proficiency (hereinafter referred to as additional testing) before the start of the entrance exam for doctoral studies.

Registration for participation in additional testing to determine the level of English language proficiency for admission to doctoral studies is carried out on the website

Step 2. Entrance exam

Entrance exams for groups of educational programs for doctoral studies are held in the following terms:

  • from August 4 to August 20 of the calendar year;
  • from November 19 to December 11 of the calendar year.

The certificate of the entrance exam held in the period from August 4 to August 20 is valid until December 1 of the current calendar year; The certificate of the entrance exam held in the period from November 19 to December 11 is valid until March 1 of the next calendar year.

4 hours (240 minutes) are allotted for the entrance exam to the doctoral program, including:

  1. test to determine readiness for doctoral studies (hereinafter – TDR) – 50 minutes;
  2. It takes 190 minutes (3 hours 10 minutes) to write an essay and exam questions on the profile of a group of educational programs.

The entrance exam for doctoral studies in computer format consists of the following blocks (max 100 points):

  1. writing an essay (10 points);
  2. test to determine readiness for doctoral studies (hereinafter – TGO, 30 points);
  3. answers to exam questions on the profile of the group of the educational program (40 points);
  4. interview with the applicant conducted by the examination committee (20 points).

The final assessment is a set of points obtained by summing up the results of the assessment of the essay, the test for readiness to study in doctoral studies, the answer to exam questions on the profile of the group of the educational program and the results of the interview with the applicant. 

! The interview for persons entering the doctoral program is carried out in an online format before passing the entrance exams in the blocks "Essay writing", "TDR" and "Answers to exam questions on the profile of the group of educational programs".

Step 3.  Enrollment

Admission to the doctoral program is carried out in the following terms:

  • from 15 to 28 August;
  • from December 26 to January 10.

Enrollment of persons in doctoral studies is carried out on the basis of an international certificate confirming proficiency in a foreign language in accordance with the pan-European competencies (standards) of proficiency in a foreign language and according to the results of the entrance exam for the profile of the group of educational programs of doctoral studies and scored at least 75 points out of a possible 100 points.

In the case of identical indicators of competitive points, the persons who have the highest score of the entrance exam according to the profile of the group of the educational program receive the preferential right to enroll in doctoral studies.
Then the points for the essay, points for the test of readiness for training, scientific achievements corresponding to the profile of the educational program are taken into account:

  • scientific publications, including in rating scientific publications included in the 1st, 2nd quartile according to the Journal Citation Reports of the Clarivate Analytics Web of science database for the last 3 calendar years; 
  • certificates of scientific developments;
  • certificates of awarding scientific scholarships, grants;
  • certificates/diplomas for participation in scientific conferences and competitions.

An application for appeal from persons entering doctoral studies is submitted to the chairman of the appeals commission by applicants personally or through the information system of the NTC.

Applications are accepted until 13.00 hours of the next day after the announcement of the results of the entrance exam for doctoral studies, creative exams and CT and are considered by the appeal commission of the OHPG within one day from the date of application.