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What is a union?
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The primary trade union organization of students of M. Kozybayev NKSU - the largest organization unifying students of our university and aims to solve our problems, to help us in different situations and to support our initiatives. Now there are about 1,000 students in the trade union organization of M. Kozybayev NKSU. We deal with not only the protection of socio-economic rights of students, help people in need or are in a difficult situation, development and supervision of the implementation of the collective agreement between the administration of the university and students. At present many people know about the existence of different trade union organizations, but very few people present works of these public associations. |
Tursunova Damira |
The trade union - a voluntary association of students of M. Kozybayev NKSU, expressing the will of the students, in order to represent their interests in the social work of the university. The trade union was founded on 2 July, 1992. Студенческий профсоюз СКУ им. М. Козыбаева активно организует мероприятия на уровне кафедр, факультетов, университета и города, оказывает благотворительную помощь, выплачивая стипендии студентам из уязвимых групп, и сотрудничает с молодежными организациями. Также профсоюз контролирует работу активистов, следит за ведением документации и организует участие в событиях. |
The student union of NKSU covers all areas of our students, we are interested in how the life of a student proceeds within the university. This is evidenced by the active work of our union:
Firstly, it is the organization and conduct of events (contests, promotions, competitions) on various topics at the level of departments, faculties, university and city.
Secondly, charitable assistance is provided to students of NKSU, connection to free meals, purchase of things for needy students, help with hostels.
Thirdly, the students’ trade union of M. Kozybayev NKSU works with youth organizations such as the branch of "Bolashak" NDP "Nur Otan" and YC "Jas Otan", with " Alliance of Students" of Petropavlovsk, debate club" Debates of goodwill", Student Council, Gender club "Nur Aru", discussion club "Erkin pіkіr", "Young politicians" school, Youth Maslikhat and many other associations.
And of course we have constantly monitoring of the work of trade union organizers and activists within the organization, which included participation in activities, maintaining documents for each department and much more.
Life in our organization is always full of new activities, emotions, events but also every member of the trade union involves in the work with paper documents.
What gives you the trade union?
Our sphere of activity is very extensive: the solution of problems in the dormitories, overcoming conflicts between students and teachers, students’ financial aid, a sanatorium-preventorium, a camp of ITC "Miras", the organization of scientific, sports, leisure and celebration events. In general, we do what interests, excites and delights students. We think that in future we will face with not less accomplishments.
How to join the trade union?
To join the trade union organization you need to fill a statement (which can be obtained from the trade union organizers of the committee or directly at the aud. 310, building 4)
Why you need a union?
To protect their rights students join the trade union. Trade union contacts with regional and local authorities and tries to solve issues at their level, related to improving the conditions of students’ education, through conferences, roundtables, and all kinds of other discussions.
The trade union - your legal representative in relations with the administration of the university. It protects your interests in the situation of individual and collective disputes. Many important documents and decisions concerning relations at the university, the administration is obliged to take into account the opinion of elected trade union body.
The trade union organization of students M. Kozybayev NKU has been for years. And it is not headed by one director. Everyone tried to make it something new, a new mechanism through which the trade union system will work more efficiently, with great dedication, will maximum help student in protecting their rights and interests and the development of a person other than, of course, the purpose of the student to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills of their specialist area, its internal talent in the social, cultural and sport life.
One of the main aims and area of students’ trade union is to identify and assist in the implementation of its own possibilities.
The task of the trade union is, of course, to help the student to find themselves in a making up of personality period, to find their way.
Just the character, aims and objectives for the future are formed at the university. In this case, the trade union helps to find yourself in support of its initiatives through assistance in the implementation of the ideas of the young man, through the opportunity to give the student to try yourself in the role of organizer, able to work with people who embody them in the life of common ideas. Because our students are the future leaders and right now they have to learn this. And that's exactly we give them!!!
In the trade union of students of M. Kozybayev NKSU work cheerful and helpful people who are not indifferent the future.
We'll help you to choose the right direction in the whirl of events of student life. Together we are strong.
Join and self-realize!