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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
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13 February 2025
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04 February 2025
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16 January 2025
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24 December 2024
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17 December 2024
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11 December 2024

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13 November 2024
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01 November 2024
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The Kazakh student's theatre «Shanyrak»

Student theater "Shanyrak" was founded in 2001. The premiere was the poem by S. Mukanov "Sulushash". In 2009 the theater won the Grand Prix of the "Theater and Being" Festival. In 2010, at the republican festival in Almaty, the theater won the prize of the Theatre for Young Spectator named after G. Musrepov. In 2016, the theater won the bronze medal at the XII Delphic National Games. Actors of the theater Abdialimova Nazym, Kalybek Azamat, Kasen Akniet, Tursynbai Yermaral became bronze medalists.

From 2001 to 2014, the directors of the theater were directors Aitibayeva Sholpan Zholdybaevna and Aitibayev Kazhibay Kozairovich, actors of the S. Mukanov Kazakh Drama Theater.

Since 2015, the theater has been directed by Bekmanova Ainura Amangeldievna and Karimov Adilzhan Gabdulgapparovich.

The Theater has been directing by Quanysh Berden since 2022.

The theater uses all modern genres (drama, comedy, tragedy, etc.)


Quanysh Berden
  8707 925 94 36

The composition of the theater changes annually, in connection with the graduation of the senior course from the walls of the university. Therefore, with the beginning of the new academic year, the theater was replenished with freshmen. In 2020, on September 25, an online casting was announced and more than twenty students were admitted to the theater. On October 27, the casting was announced for the second time, and 10 more students were added to the theater staff. Now 54 students are performing in the theater "Shanyrak".

Since its inception, the theater "Shanyrak" has been taking part in republican and regional cultural events. In 2020, the theater organized a challenge dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Abay in order to popularize the words of edification and poetry of Abay. In connection with the global pandemic, all work is carried out online. The theater actors read the words of edification or Abay's poetry twice a week, shoot videos and post them on the pages of the university and the theater in social networks.

In the new academic year, the theater has updated its repertoire with a new performance. In the first ten days of November, actors and actresses will be selected who will take part in M. Baydzhiev's play "The Shore" (directed by A. Karimov), and work will begin on staging the play.

The theater plans to include other cultural events:

On November 17, theater actors will present a poetry block at a concert dedicated to Student's Day.

Online block consisting of 15 minutes of poetry and song on the Day of the First President on December 1.

Stage performance dedicated to the Independence Day on December 16.

For questions, please contact office 109, building 1.

The performance "Meeting and farewell"

New Year's Eve Performance 2020-2021