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Faculty News
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04 February 2025
NSSF: ППС ФИЭП приняли участие в работе Зимней школы

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16 January 2025
MF: Промежуточная аттестация

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24 December 2024
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Folk student's theatre «Pilgrim»

The pilgrim theater was founded in 1968 on the basis of the pedagogical Institute named after K. D. Ushinsky. In 1973, it received the title of the national student theater.

The founder of the theater is Zinaida Ignatyevna Basargina, an experienced teacher, Director of regional television, an excellent mentor, who left behind a lot of talented Directors and actors working in creative teams of the region and abroad.

The theater works closely with the creative team of the student club, always ready to help in organizing and conducting various events. The Director of the theater produces two full-length performances a year, as well as new year's matinees, show programs dedicated to various festive events, such as the first of September, Theater day, Maslenitsa, Victory day, Nauryz, and Independence Day.


 Gulyaeva Elizaveta Pavlovna 

The productions of "Pilgrim" are characterized by a non-standard approach to the interpretation of classical works, as well as a choice of plays by contemporary authors devoted to topical issues of youth. Among the performances created on the stage of the theater there are comedies, tragedies, fairy tales, melodramas, and detectives.

Such performances as" the Mousetrap "by Agatha Christie," the Smell of a light tan" by Danil Guryanov," the Stone guest " by Alexander Pushkin," the Conversation that did not exist " by Rodion Beletsky," the school of temptation " by Valentin Azernikov," The country of the blind " by Nikolai Kolyada," Chokan Valikhanov " by Sabit Mukanov, Etc.  Lipskerov's "River on asphalt", the play is a memoir "And the dawns here are quiet" based on the novel by B. Vasiliev, "Voices in the dark" by K. Ibraiva and many others were a huge success with viewers of different ages.

The theater is constantly recruiting new young talented actors. The Director and his assistants, who are experienced actors, conduct trainings to develop theatrical skills, identify and develop the talents and skills needed on stage. In the spring of 2009, the people's theater "pilgrim", taking part in the first city festival of theater groups of the city "Theater and being", earned an honorary third place with a production based on the fairy tale by L. Filatov "About Fedot-Sagittarius". Also at the festival, this performance was awarded the prize for best Director and best actor (the role of the King). And in 2011, at the same festival, "pilgrim" was awarded the nomination "for devotion to the stage" for staging the fairy tale "how Koschei married Vasilisa". In 2017, the pilgrim theater took part in the XII Delphic Games, along with experienced actors from Astana theater Universities, and was awarded a diploma. In May 2023, the Pilgrim Theater took 3rd place at the regional qualifying round of the XIV Delphic Games in the city of Kokshetau with a production based on the play by K. Ibraeva "Voices in the Dark". And in September of the same year, the actors went to Astana for the XIV National Delphic Games. The Pilgrim Theater entered the top three in the Theatrical Art category, returning with bronze medals. In the spring of 2024, the theater took part in the regional qualifying round of the XV Delphic Games, where the play "Chasing Don Juan" took 3rd place, bringing 3 bronze medals to the theater's treasury. Angelina Belobrova, an actress of the Belobrova Theater, took the honorable first place at the regional stage in the "Mobilography" nomination. Angelina also brought a gold medal from the republican stage of the XV Delphic Games.

"Pilgrim" every year goes to the villages of the region with performances, and also invites students of city schools and boarding schools to its hall. It has become a good tradition for the actors of the theater to congratulate the children of the orphanage on the New year. Children are looking forward to visiting pilgrims.


Training Sketches

The play "5 stories about..." based on the play by A. Slapovsky

New Year's performance "How Baba Yaga wanted to spoil the New Year"
