About the defense of the doctoral dissertation
The North Kazakhstan University named after M. Kozybayev will defend the dissertation of Kolisnichenko Sergey Nikolaevich on the theme «Development of structural and technological solutions to reduce dynamic loads and increase the durability of core drilling pumps», specialty 8D07101 (6D071200) – «Mechanical Engineering».
The dissertation work was performed at M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University, Department of "Transport and Mechanical Engineering".
Defense language is Russian. The thesis is presented in dissertation form.
Reviewers are:
- Sherov Aibek Karibekovich, Doctor of PhD in the specialty 6D071200- "Mechanical Engineering", Head of the Design Bureau of LLP "Kazakhstan Aviation Industry", Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Sidorkin Dmitry Ivanovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.02.13 Machines, units and processes (Oil and gas industry; Mechanical engineering in the oil refining industry), Director of the Scientific Center "Arktika", Associate Professor of the FSBEI HE "Saint-Petersburg Mining University", Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation.
Scientific supervisors:
- Savinkin Vitaliy Vladimirovich - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Doctor of Technical Sciences of the Russian Federation, associate professor, specialty 05.02.00 "Mechanical engineering and machine science" of the Department of Transport and Mechanical Engineering, NKU M. Kozybaeva, Petropavlovsk, Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Korotaev Dmitry Nikolaevich - Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.16.09 "Materials Science (Mechanical Engineering)", Professor of the Department of "Mechanics and Engineering Graphics" FSBEI HE MGRI "Russian State Geological Prospecting University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze", Moscow, Russian Federation.
Provisional members of the Dissertation council are:
- Popov Andrey Yurievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.02.02 - "Mechanical Science, Drive Systems and Machine Parts", Professor, Head of the Department "Metal Cutting Machines and Tools", Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Technical University", Omsk, Russian Federation.
- Tuleshov Amandyk Kuatovich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.02.18 "Theory of mechanisms and machines", 01.02.06. “Dynamics, strength of machines, devices and equipment” professor in the specialty “Mechanics”, academician, general director of the “Institute of Mechanics and Engineering Science named after A.I. academician U.A. Dzholdasbekov, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
- Myrzakhmetov Beibit Abikenovich, Ph.D., professor of the department "Technological machines and equipment"Mining and Metallurgical Institute. O.A. Baikonurov NJSC "KazNRTU named after K.I. Satpayev", Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan.
The dissertation defense will take place in a mixed format on April 23, 2022 at 14.00 a.m. in the Dissertation Council for the specialties 8D07101 (6D071200) - " Mechanical Engineering" and 8D07103 (6D071800) - "Power industry" at the M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University at the address: Petropavlovsk, 86 Pushkin St., academic building No. 2, conference hall, link to zoom platform: https://us05web.zoom.us/j/9560129878?pwd=YUx3UmNnUXdXSnJteEhEaGpLcVhLdz09
Conference ZOOM ID: 956 012 9878, Access code: 1256
Live broadcast of the defense on the channel of the Dissertation Council of M. Kozybayev NKU at the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKSWnUaNs7TYNeb-s4KKD7Q
e-mail: dissovet@ku.edu.kz
Conference ZOOM ID: 956 012 9878
Access code: 1256
The website address of M.Kozybayev NKU: ku.edu.kz
for unofficial reviews e-mail: dissovet@ku.edu.kz
Abstract of the thesis
Dissertation work
Feedback from scientific consultants: Savinkin V.V., Korotaev D.N.
Feedback from official reviewers: Sidorkin D.I., Sherov A.K.
List of publications
Conclusion of the Ethics Commission
Video recording of the defense of S. Kolisnichenko 23.04.2022