The Department of Clinical Disciplines has been organized since the opening of the Faculty of Medicine. The Department trains highly qualified specialists in "General Medicine" and "Pharmacy". At the present time, the department is headed by Romanov D.A. Lecturers of department work and actively transfer their knowledge and practical skills. Practical training of students is an integral part of their professional training and is carried out in medical organizations. In the learning process, the teaching staff applies active methods of problem-based learning: TBL, CBL, and RBL. Teaching is provided in the state, Russian and English languages.
Address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86 (в), building ELC
Telephone: 1190 additional 3004
Denis Alexandrovich
Head of Chair Clinical disciplines
Bachelor's degree :
Associate Professor, "Clinical disciplines" chair , candidate of medical sciences
Зав. кафедрой, senior lecturer, "clinical disciplines" chair
Associate Professor, "Clinical disciplines" chair , doctor of medical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the academy of military sciences
Associate Professor, "Clinical disciplines" chair , ph.d.