The history of the Department of Chemistry, as an independent unit of the university, dates back to 1961, when it was headed by A. Cherepakhin. During the entire existence of the department, it has undergone several changes in its name: in 2000, the Department of Chemistry was renamed the Department of Organic Chemistry and Naval Chemistry, and in 2018 it was renamed the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies. A large number of scientists, teachers, employees contributed to the formation and development of the department at different times: Tokmurzin K.; Bolatbaev K.; Loiko L.; Lezhneva M.; Zholbolsynova A.; Shukenova R.; Polyakov V.; Bondarenko L.; Begenova B.; Nazarova V.; Aubakirova G.; Dyuryagina A.; Golodova I.; Pfluk N.; Usmanova S.; Pavlichuk A.; Chekunova L.; Dubovitskiy A. Currently, the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies trains chemistry teachers; chemists-experts, chemists-technologists on educational programs of bachelor's and master's programs. In 2019, the PhD-doctoral educational program "Chemical Technology of Organic Substances" was opened. In 2022, the first doctoral student Lutsenko A. successfully defended (supervisor A. Dyuryagina).
Address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin st., 88, building 2
Teachers's room: 415а
Laboratory room: 413, tel. +7 (7152) 494042, internal 1040, 1048
Antonina Nikolaevna
Head of Chair Department of Chemistry and chemical technologies
Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor
Bachelor's degree :
6B05103 Biotechnology
6B05305 Chemical expertise and analytical control of production
6B05307 Chemical expertise and analytical control of production
Master's degree :
PhD study:
Senior lecturer, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , master
Honorary Associate Professor, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , candidate of chemical sciences
Professor, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , doctor of chemical sciences, associate professor
Зав. кафедрой, professor, "chemistry and chemical technologies" chair , candidate of chemical sciences, professor, associate professor
Associate Professor, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , ph.d.
Professor, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , candidate of chemical sciences
Senior lecturer, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , master
Professor, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , doctor of chemical sciences, professor, corresponding member of the international informatization academy
Senior lecturer, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , master
Associate Professor, "Chemistry and Chemical Technologies" chair , ph.d., associate professor