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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
NSSF: На ФИЭП-е прошел конкурс «MISS TEACHER»

6 марта 2025 года Кафедра «Журналистики и социальных наук» провела конкурс «MISS TEACHER», посвященый Международному женскому читать далее

06 March 2025
NSSF: На ФИЭП-е открыт уголок военной прокуратуры Петропавловского гарнизона

5 марта 2025 года в библиотеке Северо-Казахстанского университета имени М. Козыбаева состоялось торжественное открытие информационного уголка военной читать далее

06 March 2025
MF: Мәңгілік ел – моя страна!

В завершение празднования Дня благодарности медицинский факультет 28.02.2025 г. в УЛК в  организовал квест «Мәңгілік ел – моя страна! читать далее

28 February 2025
MF: Check out – Проверь себя!

Под девизом «Проверь себя!» 28.02.2025 г. в УК №2 прошла благотворительная акция, приуроченная к празднованию Дня благодарности, организов читать далее

28 February 2025
NSSF: День благодарности на ФИЭПе

28 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права прошли мероприятия, посвященные Дню благодарности. Заместитель декана по воспитательной читать далее

28 February 2025
ИСТФ: Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies at the open days in February!

The open days at Kozybayev University are very active! Schoolchildren actively participate in competitions, visit new laboratories of faculties with m читать далее

27 February 2025
NSSF: На ФИЭП прошли лекция и семинар по финансовой грамотности

24 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права состоялись мероприятия, посвященные вопросам финансовой грамотности. В качестве гостевог читать далее

26 February 2025
MF: Второй тур олимпиады на манекене "Харви"

На медицинском факультете в УЛК проведен второй тур Олимпиады  на манекене Харви. Манекен Харви воспроизводит все клинические находки при физикал читать далее

21 February 2025
Читать все

Institutional culture of the University: role and necessity (2009)

From November 9 to 14, 2009, The traditional Quality Week was held under the general theme "Institutional culture of the university: the role and necessity" within which:

  • round tables were held with the participation of teaching staff and students: at the MPF – "Problems and conditions for the formation of corporate culture at the faculty"; at the PCF – "Prospects for the development of the tourism industry in the Republic of Kazakhstan", at the LLI – "Elite culture of speech"; at the MPF – "Professional training of students to work in a 12-year school: current state, problems and prospects", debates at the VF – "The introduction of a credit system improves the quality of training specialists" with the participation of VF students;
  • scientific and practical conferences were held with the participation of students and teaching staff: two at the HLF on the topics: "Corporate culture of behavior and communication at the university", "How to study at a modern university?", three at the EMF - "Corporate culture: the role and necessity", "Ways to improve the quality of education", "Corporate culture and image", three at ITF – "Modern requirements for the training of mathematics teachers. The use of new pedagogical technologies in mathematics lessons" with the invitation of teachers of mathematics of the city schools, "From student project to scientific work", "Searches and finds in the process of transition to new teaching technologies", at LLI – "Methods of using an interactive whiteboard in the process of pedagogical practice";
  • informational and scientific and methodological seminars were held: at the EF – "Teaching aids: content and procedure of registration"; at the HLF – "Development of creativity and skills of independent work among students of humanities and pedagogical specialties within the framework of credit technologies", at the NGF – "Corporate culture of the University", at the VF – "Quality problems of production of spare parts for motor vehicles", at the MPF – educational event "The World of Modern Art" in the form of a discussion with the participation of students of the TMNDO department;
  • a business game was held at the VF "Implementation of the principles of the international quality standard ISO 9001 in educational organizations and in production", a competition "Essay on quality" with the participation of students of the Department of Construction; at the EF - business game "Smart Game", within the framework of the meeting of the SSS "Ziyatker" (in the state language);
  • the VF students visited the regional scientific and technical library to get acquainted with the patent fund of the library;master classes were held at the EF on the topic: "The quality of teaching financial disciplines" and "The use of interactive methods in the study of a foreign language" in the Institute;the program included an exhibition of books and magazines devoted to corporate and institutional culture;the Department of Design organized an exhibition of design works by students of the Department of Design on the theme "Corporate Culture";more than 35 open classes (lectures, practical classes) were held at the faculties and in the LLI, demonstrating the quality of teaching through a variety of innovative teaching methods and techniques;
  • As part of the World Quality Day, a round table was organized on the topic "The role of corporate culture in the strategic development of the University" with the participation of vice-rectors, heads of departments and students;
  • a study was conducted on the assessment of the corporate culture of the university, which was attended by students and employees of our university. The materials of this study are presented at a round table within the framework of the Quality Week;
  • the newspaper and the Parasat program published information about the quality measures carried out.

The program of the 2009 Quality Week