M.Kozybayev NKU is doing a lot of work on the formation and development of anti-corruption worldview and behavior among employees and students in order to ensure information transparency and accessibility of educational services.
The Institute of integrity and corporate culture is currently being formed at the university. Our university has been a member of the "League of academic integrity" since August 2018.
M.Kozybaev NKU developed and implemented The Code of Corporate Ethics. University's own Academic policy and rules of academic integrity were developed and implemented.
Our university adopts the principles of corruption prevention, integrity and academic integrity as one of the main principles in its activities. In this regard, on December 25, 2018, at NKU, students created a project office "Саналы ұрпақ".
The project office has developed The Anti-Corruption strategy and The Anti-Corruption Standard for ensuring openness and transparency.
The Anti-Corruption strategy defines the main goals, objectives and specific directions for implementing anti-corruption policy at the University. It establishes a mandatory model of behavior for each employee, regardless of their position and academic degree, and for each student, regardless of their social status.
The Anti-Corruption Standard for ensuring openness and transparency is a system of prohibitions, restrictions and permits in all areas of the university's activities. The standard defines the actions and decisions of University employees aimed at strict observance of established rules and prevention of corruption.
Formation of anti-corruption culture
Etymologically, the term "corruption" comes from the Latin word corruptio, which means "corruption, bribery". According to The Сodeх of conduct for law enforcement officials adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 17, 1978, the concept of corruption should be defined by national law.
The Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 18, 2015 No. 410-V "On Combating Corruption" defines the concept of corruption as "illegal use by persons holding a senior public position, persons authorized to perform public functions, persons equated to persons authorized to perform public functions, officials of their official (official) powers and related capabilities in order to obtain or extract in person or through intermediaries property (non-property) benefits and advantages To themselves or third parties, as well as bribery of such persons through the provision of benefits and advantages."
The phenomenon of corruption is now present in almost all countries of the world, regardless of the level of their political development, including in Kazakhstan, the difference is only in scale. Corruption slows down the process of socio-economic development, building a market economy, attracting investment and negatively affects the political and social institutions of a democratic state, and is a serious threat to the future development of the country.
For Kazakhstan, overcoming corruption is one of the main directions of state policy, the priority of which is clearly indicated by the head of state N.A. Nazarbayev. That is why the president in his Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050: The New Political Course of the Successful State” named the fight against corruption as one of the priorities of the state.
M. Kozybaev NKU also in a planned mode is working on the prevention of corruption:
Action Plan for the Prevention of Corruption in the 2023 year
Action Plan for the Prevention of Corruption in the 2024 year
Report for the 2021-2022 academic year
Information on the declaration of income
Isakaev Erbol Maratovich - Notification of acceptance of tax reporting form 270.00 by the state revenue authority in electronic form dated 29.05.2024 No.391729052024N00739.
Apergenova Renata Seitovna - Notification of acceptance of tax reporting form 270.00 by the state revenue authority in electronic form dated 14.09.2024 No.481414092024N00177.
Azamat Aitbayevich Zhikeev - Notification of acceptance of tax reporting form 270.00 by the state revenue authority in electronic form dated 19.04.2024 No.391719042024N000743.
Information for monitoring by parents and students
Students’ performance information
Vacant grants of M. Kozybayev NKU
Vacancies in the hostels of M. Kozybayev NKU
A podcast about academic integrity. The author is Lydia Shitz
Monitoring of student dormitories
Dear students and teachers! On the facts of corruption You can report to the following addresses and phones:
All information comes only to certain employees authorized to solve these issues. You can enter your name or provide information anonymously. Please only report actual facts or planned illegal actions in which it is possible to conduct an internal investigation. We ask you to avoid spreading false and discrediting the honor and dignity of the University staff information, as well as actions due to personal accounts and hooligan motives.