№ | No. | Patent name | The authors | Patent holders |
2024 | ||||
1 | № 9220 | A stamp for automating the process of cutting down test samples of polyethylene | Tyukanko Vitaly Yurievich Brilkov Stanislav Alekseevich Demyanenko Alexander Valentinovich |
Non-profit limited company «Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university» |
2 | № 36682 | Method of ultrasonic quality control of plastic products made by rotational molding method | Tyukanko Vitaly Yurevich Demyanenko Aleksandr Valentinovich Semenyuk Vladislav Vladimirovich Dyuryagina Antonina Nikolayevna Gaisin Raimbek Serikovich Alyoshin Dmitry Vasilyevich Zhanibekov Nurzhan Amangeldievich |
Non-profit limited company «Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university» |
3 | № 9061 | Patent for a utility model "Data collection and processing system for soil analysis" | Aubakirova Gailya Faritovna Moldakhmetov Sayat Sairanovich Ritter Dmitriy Viktorovich |
4 | № 8929 | Patent for utility model "Method for obtaining a sapropel product for pre-sowing treatment of vegetable seeds" |
Ostrovnoy Kirill Aleksandrovich |
Ostrovnoy Kirill Aleksandrovich |
5 | № 9811 | Patent for Utility Model "Method for Production of Biodegradable Food Film from Carrageenan" |
Il Elena Nikolaevna |
Il Elena Nikolaevna Il Dmitry Evgenievich |
2023 | ||||
1 | № 7775 |
Aubakirova Bakhytkul Bokhaevna |
Alkina Kamazhay Yusupovna | |
2 | № 7825 | Galvanic isolation device for controlling insulated gate bipolar transistors | Moldakhmetov Sayat Sairanovich |
Ivel Viktor Petrovich |
3 | № 7771 | Method of microwave drying of grain seeds | Ritter Ekaterina Sergeevna | Savostin Aleksey Aleksandrovich Savostina Galina VladimirovnaRitter Dmitriy Viktorovich Zykova Natalya Vladimirovnа |
4 | №7960 | Method of injecting an electromagnetic pulse into integrated circuits | Anarbayev Alibek Ersainovich Moldakhmetov Sayat Sairanovich | Anarbayev Alibek Ersainovich Moldakhmetov Sayat Sairanovich |
5 | № 8591 | Electrocardiosignal simulation device | Gerasimova Yulia Viktorovna Ivel Viktor Petrovich Moldakhmetov Sayat Sairanovich Petrov Pavel Anatolyevich |
Gerasimova Yulia Viktorovna Petrov Pavel Anatolyevich |
6 | № 8295 | Pasture restoration method | Savenkova InnaVitalievna Akhmetov MuratBeibutovich Taskulova Aiymgul Maksutovna Useinov Azamat Aisaevich Temirbulatova Akerke Kurmanovna |
Шаяхметова Алтын Сейтахметовна |
7 | № 043279 | Евразийский патент на изобретение «Премикс для молочного скота» | Рамазанов Аяз Уктаевич, Баязитова Кульбарам Нургалиевна, Темирбекова Гульжан Аязовна, Притчин Владимир Андреевич, Иль Елена Николаевна, Иль Дмитрий Евгениевич, Бостанова Сауле Куанышпековна, Ускенов Рашит Бахитжанович, Джемалединова Инна Михайловна, Касымбек Рабига Касымбеккызы, Шарипов Руслан Исмаилович |
Non-profit limited company «Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university» |
2022 | ||||
1 |
№ 23162 | Patent for the invention "Method of obtaining interpolymer membranes" | Begenova Bakhyt Estekenovna |
Joint Stock Company "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov" |
2 | №32768 | Patent for the invention "Method of increasing the productivity of cattle" | Polyakov Vladilen Vasilyevich |
Non-profit joint stock company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin" |
3 | № 35223 | Patent for the invention "Method of application of complex feed additive" | Vladilen V. Polyakov |
Limited Liability Partnership "NFT-KATU" |
4 | № 3047 | Patent for utility model "Combined feed additive and method of its application" | Vladilen V. Polyakov | Joint Stock Company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin" |
5 | № 5018 | Joint Stock Company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin" (KZ) | Vladilen V. Polyakov |
Limited Liability Partnership "NFT-KATU" |
6 | № 35004 | Patent for the invention "Planktonic strain of unicellular green algae Chlorella vulgaris SKO specialized for obtaining biomass" | Golodova Irina Viktorovna | Limited Liability Partnership "Scientific and Technological Center of Water" |
7 | № 4651 | Patent for utility model "Method of rehabilitation and purification of reservoirs with concentrated suspension of chlorella" | Golodova Irina Viktorovna | Limited Liability Partnership responsibility of the "Scientific and Technological Center of Water" |
8 | № 5646 | Utility model patent "Method for obtaining an acid corrosion inhibitor of metals" | Antonina Nikolaevna Dyuryagina Kirill Alexandrovich Ostrovnoy | Ostrovnoy Kirill Alexandrovich Dyuryagina Antonina Nikolaevna Golovko Leonid Vladimirovich |
9 | № 5935 | Utility model patent Mobile repair complex for the restoration of wheel sets of railway cars |
Savinkin V.V., |
Savinkin V.V., |
10 | № 6809 | Patent for utility model "Three-way vortex mixer" | Ivanova O.V., Shakirova M.A. Ratushnaya T.Yu. | Ratushnaya T.Yu |
11 | № 34110 | Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention. Device for wireless transmission and analysis of an electrocardiosignal |
Gerasimova Yu.V.,Ivel V.P., Moldakhmetov S.S. |
Ivel V.P. |
12 | № 6888 |
Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the utility model "Downhole self-cleaning filter of centrifugal action" |
Ivanova L.V. |
Savinkin V.V. |
13 | № 6876 | Utility model patent "Composition for obtaining a low-calorie meat product" | Spanova A.M. | Nauryzbayeva G.K. |
14 | № 7082 | 14 No. 7082 Utility model patent "Combined sweep for processing the inner surface of hydraulic cylinders" | Mukhamadeeva R.M. | Berikbayeva M.A. Mukhamadeeva R.M. |
15 | № 7616 |
Patent for utility model "Method of sterilizing culture medium for potato cultivation" |
Kantarbaeva Elmira Yerbolovna | Kantarbaeva E.Y. |
16 | № 35882 | Patent for invention "Paint and varnish composition" | Dyuryagina А.N. Ostrovnoy К.А. |
Dyuryagina А.N. Ostrovnoy К.А. |
17 | № 041005 | Евразийский патент на изобретение «Антикоррозионная термостойкая лакокрасочная композиция» |
Tyukanko V.Yu. |
Non-profit joint-stock company «North Kazakhstan University named after ManashKozybayev» |
18 | № 7312 | Patent for utility model "Multi-chamber plasma accelerator with a stationary working gas inlet" | Usseinov B.M. Zhukeshov A.M. |
Non-profit joint-stock company «North Kazakhstan University named after ManashKozybayev» |
2021 | ||||
1 | №5935 | Mobile repair complex for the restoration of wheel sets of railway cars | Savinkin V. V. | Shagaev I. V. Zhumekenova Z.Zh. |
2 | № 35223 | Patent for the invention "Method of application of a complex feed supplement" | Polyakov V. V. | Korotkiy V. P. |
3 | № 35004 | Patent for the invention "Planktonic strain of unicellular green algae Chlorella vulgaris SKO specialized for biomass production" Golodova I. V. | Vasiliev N. V. |
Soldatova V. A. |
2020 г. |
1 |
№ 4988 |
System for uniform concentration of electromagnetic energy during microwave drying of wood |
Zykova N. V. |
Ritter D. V. |
2 |
№ 34110 |
Ivel V. P. |
Gerasimova Yu . V |
3 |
№ 0362 |
Multi-chamber plasma accelerator with stationary inlet of working gas |
Useinov B. M. |
Zhukeshov A.M. |
4 |
№ 4651 |
Method of rehabilitation and purification of reservoirs with concentrated chlorella suspension |
Golodova I. V. |
Vasiliev N. V. |
5 |
№ 5646 |
Ostrovnoy K. A. Dyuryagina A. N. |
Golovko L. V. |
6 |
№ 5018 |
Patent for a utility model "A method for increasing the productivity of ruminants" |
Polyakov V. V. |
Ismagulova G. T. |
7 |
№ 035343 |
Method for determining the volume of grain in granaries based on contactless 3D measurements (Eurasian Patent for invention) |
Koshekov K. T. |
Astapenko N. V. |
2019 г. |
1 |
№ 10476 |
Common bean Phaseolus vulgaris Omsk Jubilee (Patent for breeding achievement) |
Puchkova S. Yu . |
Puchkova S. Yu |
2 |
№ 4516 |
Koshekov K. T. |
Savostin A. A. |
3 |
№ 4129 |
Method of acoustic diagnostics of power transformers based on digital signal processing (RK patent for utility model) |
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov A. K. |
4 |
№ 34060 |
Ivel V. P. |
Gerasimova Yu . V |
5 |
№ 4066 |
System for wireless transmission and registration of an electrocardiosignal |
Ivel V. P. |
Ivel V. P. |
6 |
№ 3860 |
Wireless device for monitoring the condition of cracks and joints of buildings and structures (patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for a utility model) |
Ivel V. P. |
Gerasimova Yu. V. |
7 |
№ 3785 |
Method of short-term earthquake prediction based on vector identification measurements of the shape and virtual frequency of the seismogram. RK patent for a utility model |
Koshekov K. T. |
Savostin A. A. |
8 |
№ 3580 |
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov K. T. |
9 |
№ 3663 |
Astapenko N. V. |
Koshekov K. T. |
10 |
№ 4148 |
Utility model patent "Electrolysis plant for obtaining sodium hypochlorite" |
Golodova I. V. |
Limited liability Partnership "Scientific and technological center of water" (KZ) |
11 |
№ 4541 |
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov K. T. |
2018 г. |
1 |
№ 2948 |
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov K. T. |
2 |
№ 3397 |
Device for wastewater treatment by electroflotation (RK patent for utility model) |
Golodova I. V. |
LLP "Scientific and technological center of water |
3 |
№ 3240 |
Ivel V. P. |
Ivel V. P. |
4 |
№ 33331 |
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov K. T. |
5 |
№ 3047 |
Combined feed additive and method of its application (RK patent for utility model)) |
Baldzhi Yu. A. |
Joint Stock Company "Kazakh Agrotechnical University named after Saken Seifullin" (KZ) |
6 |
№ 3785 |
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov K. T. |
7 |
№ 3453 |
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov K. T. |
8 |
№ 2015/0921.1 |
Method of short-term earthquake prediction based on vector identification measurements of seismograms and their increment functions. RK patent for a utility model |
Koshekov K. T. |
RSE on PCV "North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev" |
9 |
№ 2015/0922.1 |
"Medicinal product from plant raw materials" (Eurasian patent for invention) |
RSE on PCV "North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev" |
10 |
№ 031289 |
Method of storage and unloading of bulk materials, mainly grain from containers and storages (Eurasian patent for invention) |
Koshekova B.V. |
Koshekova B.V. |
2017 г. |
1 |
№ 31893 |
Zveryachenko T.S. Zveryachenko A.S. |
RSE on PCV "North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev" |
2 |
№ 1990 |
Method of obtaining fertilizer based on sapropel (utility model patent) |
Kutnyak A. I. |
Kutnyak A. I. |
3 |
№2618154 |
Method of energy recovery of the hydraulic drive of the rotary platform of the excavator (patent for the invention of the Russian Federation) |
Kuznetsova V. N. |
Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy (SibADI) |
4 |
№ 32393 |
Method of production of alcoholic beverages by direct fermentation (patent for invention) |
Zveryachenko T. S. |
Zveryachenko T. S. |
5 |
№ 32410 |
Medicinal product from vegetable raw materials (patent for invention) |
Zveryachenko T. S. |
RSE at the North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev |
6 |
№ 2542 |
Boiler plant for solid fuel boilers of long-term gorenje (utility model patent) |
Syzdykov A. A. |
Sapro-NAT LLP |
7 |
№ 028585 |
Method of production of alcoholic beverages by direct fermentation (Eurasian patent for invention) |
Zveryachenko T.S. |
2016 |
1 |
No. 30982 |
Method of short-term earthquake prediction based on identification measurements of seismograms |
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov K. T. |
2 |
No. 31051 |
Method of betulin oxidation with nitric acid |
Lezhneva M. Yu . |
A.D. Lezhneva M. Yu. |
3 |
No. 159813 |
Energy-saving drive of the rotary platform of the earthmoving machine (RF patent for utility model) |
Kuznetsova V. N. |
Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy (SibADI) |
4 |
No. 160420 |
Bucket of effective action with reduced resistance to digging (RF patent for utility model) |
Kuznetsova V. N. |
Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy (SibADI) |
5 |
No. 597 |
Cross ducks "Kyzylzharsky" (patent for breeding achievements) |
Ramazanov A. U. |
LLP "North Kazakhstan Scientific andResearch Institute of Animal husbandry and plant breeding" |
6 |
No. 596 |
Maternal line of ducks K2 (patent for breeding achievements)
Ramazanov A. U. |
Moldazhanov K. A. LLP "North Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Plant Growing"
7 |
No. 595 |
Paternal line of ducks K1 (patent for breeding achievements)
Ramazanov A. U. |
LLP "North Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Plant Breeding"
8 |
No. 31234 |
Method for obtaining ester quaternary bases used as bactericides, disinfectants means and fabric softener |
Tokmurzin K. H. |
Tokmurzin K. Kh
9 |
No. 31368 |
Method of storage and unloading of bulk materials, mainly grain, from containers and storages |
Tuleshov A. K. |
Tuleshov A. K. |
10 |
No. 1662 |
Method of electrochemical processing of metal parts (utility model patent) |
Ivel V. P. |
Ivel V. P. |
11 |
No. 31804 |
Microcontroller output voltage stabilization device for wind power plant (patent for invention)
Orynbaev S. A.
JSC "K.I. Satpayev Kazakh National Technical University"
12 |
No. 166408 |
Energy-efficient electrohydrocylinder of regenerative action (RF patent for utility model)
Kuznetsova V. N. Savinkin V. V.
Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy (SibADI)
2015 |
1 |
No. 30299 |
Method of growing spring wheat seeds
Kanafin B. K. |
LLP "North Kazakhstan Agricultural Experimental Station"
2 |
No. 30779 |
Gate device for regulating the flow of bulk materials, mainly grain
Koshekov K. T. |
Koshekov K. T.
3 |
No. 30842 |
Method for recognizing diagnostic signals of hydraulic units
Koshekov K. T.
Koshekov K. T.
2014 |
1 |
No. 28284 |
Method of feeding pigs using short-term starvation exposure
Sivolap V.N.
Sivolap V.N.
2 |
No. 28845 |
Solid fuel boiler of long-term gorenje (TKDG) Beletskaya N.P. |
Tyulenev A.P. |
3 |
No. 141434 |
Inertial hydraulic cylinder of effective action (RF patent for utility model) |
Savinkin V.V. |
Siberian State Automobile and Road Academy (SibADI) |
2013 |
№ 26900
Nitrogen-containing ionite for sorption of transition metal ions
Ergozhin E.E. |
JSC "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov"
№ 27890
Noise-resistant adaptive control system for the diving depth of the underwater vehicle |
Ivel V.P. |
Ivel V.P. |
№ 27706
Method of treatment of endometritis of cows with suppositories with an extract of birch shoots
Minzhasov K.I. |
LLP "North Kazakhstan Scientific Research Institute of Animal Husbandry and Plant Growing" |
№ 27956
Adaptive multi-motor electric drive control system |
Ivel V.P. |
Ivel V.P. |
5 |
№ 27359 |
LED lamp RK-001 |
Kvitka V.N. |
Kvitka V.N. |
№ 27500
Method for obtaining metal corrosion inhibitor "Zhayk-PAPARM"
Tokmurzin K.H. |
Kazakh Institute of Oil and Gas JSC
2012 |
1 |
№ 25625 |
Feed additive for chickens |
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
№ 26124
Phase control of power on IGBT devices
Ashimov U.B. |
Ashimov U.B. |
№ 26567
Application of balsamic Poplar kidney essential oil as a radioprotective agent |
Polyakov V.V. |
LLP "Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural innovative Technologies" |
№ 26007
A method for obtaining an extract from the buds of balsamic poplar with growth-stimulating activity |
Polyakov V.V. |
LLP "Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural innovative Technologies" |
5 |
№ 25920 |
Method of treatment of bacterial chronic prostatitis |
Polyakov V.V. |
Polyakov V.V. |
№ 23162
Method for obtaining interpolymer membranes (patent)
Begenova B.E. |
JSC "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov"
№ 26566
A method for obtaining balsamic poplar kidney essential oil with antituberculous activity |
Polyakov V.V. |
LLP "Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural innovative Technologies" |
2011 |
1 |
№ 24925 |
Temperature controller with digital temperature indication |
Kashevkin A.A. |
Kashevkin A.A. |
№ 24142
LED lamp power supply
Kashevkin A.A. |
Kashevkin A.A. |
№ 25201
A means for draining seeds of agricultural crops |
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
4 |
№ 24988 |
Feed additive for chickens |
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
5 |
№ 24383 |
Method of hydrolysis of substituted urea |
Tokmurzin K.H |
SKSU named after M.Kozybayev |
6 |
№ 24202 |
Method of obtaining an emulsifier |
Tokmurzin A.K. |
Tokmurzin A.K. |
7 |
№ 25276 |
Bicycle |
Bondarev V.K. |
Bondarev V.K. |
№ 25170
Temperature controller
Kashevkin A.A. |
Kashevkin A.A. |
№ 25350
Precision temperature controller
Aspandiyarov B.B. |
Aspandiyarov B.B. |
№ 24540
Ionite based on glycidyl derivative of p-naphthoquinone and polyamine
Ergozhin E.E. |
JSC "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov"
2010 |
№ 22296
Method for obtaining an inhibitor of acid corrosion of metals
Ostrovnoy K.A. |
Ostrovnoy K.A. |
2 |
№ 22330 |
Single-vibrator trigger device (patent) |
Kvitka V.N. |
Kvitka V.N. |
3 |
№ 22280 |
Paint and varnish composition |
Ostrovnoy K.A. |
Ostrovnoy K.A. |
№ 22281
Paint and varnish composition
Ostrovnoy K.A. |
Ostrovnoy K.A. |
№ 22452
Plasmatron for restoring parts
Nurakov S.N. |
Nurakov S.N.
№ 23149
Anionite based on allylglycidyl ether, vinyl ether of monoeanolamine and polyamines |
Begenova B.E. |
JSC "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov"
№ 23162
Method for obtaining interpolymer membranes (patent)
Begenova B.E. |
JSC "Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A.B. Bekturov"
№ 23134
Device for finishing anti-corrosion non-abrasive treatment of crankshaft necks by plastic deformation method |
Derman A.L. |
Derman A.L. |
9 |
№ 22916 |
Surfactant "PEPARM" as a metal corrosion inhibitor |
Tokmurzin A.K. |
Tokmurzin A.K. |
№ 22950
Cable Inductor
Kvitka V.N. |
Kvitka V.N. |
№ 23596
Cable inductor power supply
Kashevkin A.A. |
Kashevkin A.A. |
№ 23562
Elevator unit of the central heating system
Aspandiyarov B.B. |
Aspandiyarov B.B. |
№ 23279
Method of pre-sowing treatment of seeds of agricultural crops
Beletskaya N.P. |
Nanosphere LLP |
14 |
№ 22379 |
Power regulator with Zenera diodes |
Kvitka V.N. |
Kvitka V.N. |
2009 |
№ 21574
Asphalt concrete mix
Dyuryagina A.N. |
Dyuryagina A.N. |
2 |
№ 20669 |
A device for turning and turning tight nuts |
Derman A.L. |
Derman A.L. |
3 |
№ 20784
Device for washing the power hydraulic system of the car |
Derman A.L. |
Derman A.L. |
№ 21589
Plasma coating of metals
Savinkin V.V. |
Savinkin V.V.
№ 21284
Feed additive for chickens
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
№ 21638
Feed additive for chickens
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
Zholbolsynova A.S. |
2008 |
1 |
№ 19674
Method of treatment of purulent wounds of open fractures of long bones (pre-patent) |
Baimagambetov Sh.A. |
Baimagambetov Sh.A. |
№ 19675
Method of treatment and prevention of purulent wounds of open fractures of long bones (pre-patent)
Baimagambetov Sh.A. |
Baimagambetov Sh.A. |
№ 19397
A method for obtaining an extract from the kidneys of balsamic poplar with antitumor activity (pre-patent) |
Polyakov V.V. |
LLP "Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural innovative Technologies" |
№ 19540
Composition of essential oils based on balsamic poplar for the treatment of tuberculosis (pre-patent) |
Polyakov V.V. |
Polyakov V.V. |
№ 19951
The diving depth control system of the underwater vehicle |
Ivel V.P. |
Ivel V.P. |
№ 20193
Method of obtaining therapeutic and prophylactic cigarettes for the prevention and treatment of upper respiratory tract diseases in tuberculosis patients (pre-patent) |
Polyakov V.V. |
Polyakov V.V. |
7 |
№ 20194 |
Radioprotective agent (pre-patent) |
Polyakov V.V. |
Polyakov V.V. |
8 |
№ 20342 |
A method for correcting the level of nonlinear signal distortion |
Koshekov K.T. |
Koshekov K.T. |
9 |
№ 20346 |
Method of generating periodic signals |
Koshekov K.T. |
Koshekov K.T. |
10 |
№ 20546 |
A method for obtaining the "PAPARM" reagent, which improves the adhesion of crushed stone with bitumen |
Tokmurzin K.H. |
Tokmurzin K.H. |