No. |
Copyright certificate number |
Name |
Authors |
Duration of exclusive property rights |
2025 | ||||
1 |
№ 53943 dated |
Academic Russian Test. Level A2 | Kireeva E.V., Shipilova Yu.V., Kolyasina A.G., Sabieva E.V., Kakimova M.E., Apergenova R.S. | |
2024 | ||||
1 | № 42019 dated 15.01.2024 |
Illustrations for fairy tales of the peoples of Kazakhstan (works of fine art) |
Popova Yu.A. |
2 | №42388 dated 26.01.2024 | Shaporeva A.V. | ||
3 | №42502 dated 31.01.2024 | Shaporeva A.V. | ||
4 | № 43391 dated 29.02.2024 | The program "Formation of IT (digital) competence (competencies) of 5-6-year-old children in a preschool organization" |
Aitymova Aliya Muratovna |
5 | №41944 dated 11.01.2024 | Academic Russian Test |
Kireeva Elena Vasilyevna |
6 | №42889 dated 13.02.2024 | Financial support of the agro-industrial complex in the context of modernization of the economy of Kazakhstan | Kuchukova Nurilya KenzhebekovnaRamazanova Shynar Shaimuratovna | |
7 | №42794 dated 09.02.2024 | Разработка модели прогнозирования инвестирования в основной капитал сельского хозяйства для модернизации отечественного агробизнеса | Kuchukova Nurilya KenzhebekovnaRamazanova Shynar Shaimuratovna | |
8 | №47850 dated 25.06.2024 |
Academic Russian Test. Уровень А1. | Kireeva Elena Vasilyevna Shipilova Julia Valeryevna Kalyasina Anna Gennadievna Sabieva Elena Viktorovna Apergenova Renata Seitovna Kakimova Mаyra Erengaipovna |
9 | № 49000 dated 13.08.2024 | PROFESSIONAL KAZAKH LANGUAGE. An electronic textbook for the specialty Journalism | Koshanova Zh.Т. | |
10 | № 49004 dated 13.08.2024 | PROFESSIONAL KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Electronic dictionary for the specialties "Computer Science", "Information System" | Koshanova Zh.Т. | |
11 | № 48995 dated 13.08.2024 | PROFESSIONAL KAZAKH LANGUAGE. Electronic textbook for the specialty Physical education | Koshanova Zh.Т. | |
12 | №50151 dated 03.10.2024 | Ontological model for integrating corporate systems and analyzing survey results |
Kopnova O.L., |
13 | № 46483 dated 28.05.2024 | Methodological recommendations "System of conditions, forms and methods of effective interaction of students in the direction of "Pedagogical Sciences" with stakeholders in education" | Alpysbaeva M.B., Murzalinova A.Zh., Mirza N.V., Mukusheva S.B., Sakaeva A.N., Ualieva N.T., Kabdirova A.A. | |
14 | № 49718 dated 17.09.2024 | «Scheme of application of complex of feed additives in treatment of subclinical ketosis in cows» | Il D.E., Il E.N., Zabolotnykh M.V. | |
15 | № 50603 dated 18.10.2024 | Educational program of the advanced training course "Strategies and practice of designing personalized professional development in accordance with the competencies of a master teacher" | Shpigar N.N., Murzalinova A.Zh., Imanova A.N. | |
16 | № 43656 dated 13.03.2024 | Level-by-level content of professional competence of a teacher (levels 5-8 according to the national qualification framework) | Bulatbaeva K.N., Abylkasymova A.E., Zhaitapova A.A., Murzalinova A.Zh., Muhambetzhanova S.T., Nametkulova F.D., Zhanbekov H.N., Orakova A.Sh., Sapieva M. .S., Shakhmetova D.S., Smagulova M.G. | |
17 | № 50601 dated 18.10.2024 | Educational program of the advanced training course "Strategies and practice of personalized professional development in accordance with the competencies of a teacher-moderator" | Imanova A.N., Ashimbetova R.D., Murzalinova A.Jh. | |
18 | № 50602 dated 18.10.2024 | Educational program of the advanced training course "Personalized professional development strategies and practices in accordance with the competences of the teacher-moderator" | Imanova A.N., Murzalinova A.Zh., Ashimbetova R.D. | |
19 | № 50595 dated 18.10.2024 | Educational program of the advanced training course "Strategies and practices of designing personalized professional development in accordance with the competencies of a "teacher-master" | Shpigar N.N., Murzalinova A.Zh., Imanova A.N. | |
20 | № 50593 dated 18.10.2024 | Educational program of the advanced training course "Strategy and practice of designing personalized professional development in accordance with the competencies of the teacher-researcher" | Ashimbetova R.D., Murzalinova A.Zh., Shpigar N.N. | |
21 | № 50594 dated 18.10.2024 | Educational program of the advanced training course "Strategies and practices for designing personalized professional development in accordance with the competencies of a "teacher-researcher" | Ashimbetova R.D., Murzalinova A.Zh., Shpigar N.N. | |
22 | № 50613 dated 21.10.2024 | Educational program of the advanced training course for teachers "Individualized professional development strategies and practices in accordance with the competencies of a teacher-expert" | Zeynelova A.E., Murzalinova A.Zh., Almagambetova L.S. | |
23 | № 50604 dated 18.10.2024 | Strategies and practices for designing personalized professional development in accordance with the competencies of a "teacher" | Almagambetova L.S., Murzalinova A.Zh., Zeynelova A.E. | |
24 | № 50606 dated 18.10.2024 | "Strategies and practices for designing personalized professional development in accordance with the competence of the "Teacher" | Almagambetova L.S., Murzalinova A.Zh., Zeynelova A.E. | |
2023 год | ||||
1 | № 36083 dated 23.05.2023 |
Shaporeva A.V. |
2 | № 32102 dated 19.09.2024 | Kazakh language: educational tool for 1st year students of all majors studying at B2 level | Koshanova Zh.Т. | |
3 | № 39109 dated 19.09.2024 | Professional Kazakh language: educational tool for foreign students in the specialty "General Medicine" | Koshanova Zh.Т. | |
4 | № 35976 dated 19.05.2023 | Application for digitization and spectral conversion of a given ultrasonic flaw detection signal | Vladislav Vladimirovich Semenyuk, Nikita Vladimirovich Balashov, Dzhanibekov Nurzhan Amangeldievich, Tyukanko Vitaly Yuryevich, Demyanenko Alexander Valentinovich |
5 | № 39582 dated 12.10.2023 | Information technologies in the mass media of Kazakhstan(introduction, development and prospects) | Saurbayeva Ashekey Zhumagulovna | |
2022 год | ||||
1 | № 24818 dated 06.04.2022 |
Rabat Shyngys Zheksenbayuly, |
2 |
№ 22834 dated 12.01.2022 |
Kim Gulnar Amangeldyevna, |
3 |
№ 22834 dated 12.01.2022 |
"VR REPAIR TRAINING" (computer program) |
Astapenko Natalia Vladimirovna, Pirmanov Ildar Anuarbekovich, |
4 |
№ 27664 dated 05.07.2022 |
A criterion model for assessing the quality of the provision and organization of the educational process with distance learning technology (a work of science) | Shaporeva Anna Vasilyevna, Konova Oksana Leonidovna, Shmigirilova Irina Borisovna | |
5 |
№ 27776 dated |
A model of an individual educational trajectory based on competence-qualification units (a work of science) |
Shaporeva Anna Vasilyevna |
2021 | ||||
1 | № 17857 от 24.05.2021 г. |
Электронный учебник "Геология" |
Исмагулова С.М. |
2 | № 18286 от 02.06.2021 г. |
Colloid chemistry (база данных) |
Дюрягина А.Н. |
3 | № 19789 от 18.08. 2021 г. | Студенттердің электрондық денсаулық картасы (программа для ЭВМ) | Динмухамедова А.С. Базарбаева С.М. |
4 | № 15256 от 18.02.2021 г. | Проблемы научно-технического сопровождения и мониторинга строительства высотного комплекса | Аубакирова Бахыткул Бохаевна, Кропачев Пётр Александрович, Абильдин Саят Кошкимбаевич | |
2020 |
1 |
No. 7580 dated 17.01.2020 |
Breeding and selection of farm animals (computer program) Object creation date: 08.06.2019 |
Bayazitova K.N. |
2 | No. 7755 dated 27.01.2020 |
Kus sharuashylygy onimderin ondiru tekhnologiyasy (electronic textbook, computer program) Object creation date: 24.11.2020 |
Bayazitova K.N. |
3 | No. 9000 от 27.03.2020 | Программа расчета энтропий ( программа для ЭВМ) | Икласова К. Е. Төлеген Н. Б. |
2019 | ||||
1 | № 6310 от 7.11.2019 г. | Метод определения объема, занимаемого жидким или твердым веществом в герметичном сосуде, в том числе в условиях невесомости, а также в герметичных аппаратах с мешалками (произведение науки) | Демьяненко А.В. | |
2 | № 6154 от 30.10.2019 г. | THEORETICAL BASIS OF INORGANIC CHEMISTRY (база данных) |
Дюрягина А. Н. |
2018 |
1 |
IS 1341 |
Open-air museum (reconstruction of housing and economic complexes of the Stone Age, Eneolithic, Bronze and Early Iron Age) work of literature |
Pleshakov A.A.Kovshova N.S. |
2 | No. 1052 dated 21.12.2018 | Fundamentals of animal husbandry (electronic textbook) |
Bayazitova K.N. |
3 | №0837 dated 29.03.2018 г. | Building structures (computer program – electronic textbook) |
Bakirova Dana Gabdualievna, |
2017 |
1 |
IS No. 007333 |
"Multimedia Electronic Textbook" (computer program) |
Gritsenko P.S. |
2016 |
1 |
1244 dated 20.06.2016 |
"Adebi matіndі taldau men bagaludyn adistemeleri" (computer program) |
Esembekov T.U. |
RSE S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University MES RK, until 05.05.2031 |
2 |
1245 dated 20.06.2016 |
"Korkem matinnin kompozitsiyasyn zertteu amaldary" (computer program) |
Esembekov T.U. |
RSE S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University MES RK, until 05.05.2031 |
3 |
1246 dated 20.06.2016 |
"Kazakh tili" Zhurnalistika mamandygyna arnalgan matindik zhattygular zhinagy "(computer program) |
Kadyrov Zh.T. |
RSE S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University MES RK, until 5.05.2031 |
4 |
2059 dated 10.10.2016 |
"Korkem matіnge adebi taldau" (computer program) |
Kadyrov Zh.T. |
RSE S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University MES RK, until 15.08.2031 |
5 |
2062 dated 10.10.2016 |
"Korkem matіndі lingvokonceptologiyalyk tyrgydan taldau" (computer program) |
Karipzhanova G.T. |
RSE S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University MES RK, until 15.08.2031 |
6 |
2100 dated 13.10.2016 |
"Kasibi kazakh tili" "Dene shynyktyru zhane sport" mamandykyny studentterine arnalgan "(computer program) |
Karipzhanova G.T. |
RSE S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University MES RK, until 15.08.2031 |
7 |
2101 dated 13.10.2016 |
"Kasibi kazakh tili" "Phizika-matematika" mamandygynyn studentterine arnalgan"(computer program) |
Kadyrov Zh.T. |
RSE S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University MES RK, until 15.08.2031 |
2015 |
1 |
1158 dated 11.06.2015 IS 001911 |
"Managerial economic thinking (MET)" (collection of scientific articles) |
Bogunov L.A. |
2 |
2217 dated 24.11.2015 IS 003102 |
"J. Aymauytov murasy" (computer program) |
Karipzhanova G.T. |
3 |
2218 dated 24.11.2015 |
"Akparattyk okytu tekhnologiyasy argyly kazak tilin mengertu" (computer program) |
Abikenova G.T. |
4 |
2219 dated 24.11.2015 |
"Kazakh tilin okytudyn zhana tekhnologialary argyly mengertu" (computer program) |
Abikenova G.T. |
2013 |
1 |
1345 dated 3.10.2013 IS 0010761 |
"Information complex "PSI" (computer program) |
Sartin S.A. |
2 |
1346 dated 3.10.2013 IS 0010762 |
"Information complex "Hydra" (computer program) |
Sartin S.A. |
2012 |
1 |
431 dated 10.4.2012 IS 0008215 |
"Subject Economic Thinking" (SET) (collection of scientific articles) |
Bogunov L.A. |
2 |
503 dated 24.4.2012 IS 0008277 |
"Information and analytical complex for the management of the university "Electronic rectorate" (computer program) |
Ashimov U.B. |
RSE on REM "M.Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University" MES RK, until 11.11.2021 |