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08 October 2024Dear faculty and staff, dear students, colleagues!
The staff of the Psychological Service of NAO SCU warmly congratulates you with the beginning of the new academic year! We wish you to keep your optimism, good spirits and body, good physical and mental health in these difficult times!!!
We hope that in the new school year we will have new meetings, new successes and achievements.
In connection with the fact that the beginning of the school year in educational institutions of Kazakhstan is planned in the format of distance learning we are glad to inform you that we have expanded the format of social networks and blogs to provide timely, qualified psychological help!!!
facebook.com page PS NAO SKU named after M. Kozybyev
VKontakte https://vk.com/id559353736
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/psy_nku2019/
Blog PS on the website Kozybayev University (NAO SKU) https://www.nkzu.kz/blog/11
Phones of Psychological Service
+7 (7152) 493035
ext. 1155
We remind you that the office of the Psychological Service of the University is in the room № 102,103 (Dormitory № 1).
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