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MF: Промежуточная аттестация

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24 December 2024
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Recommendations for the socio-psychological adaptation of students

Any adaptation process must be viewed from two opposing angles. On the one hand, during adaptation the subject of the adaptation process and the social environment are transformed, and on the other hand, they strive for self-preservation. The adaptive situation involves protective mechanisms that prevent changes, i.e. adaptation barriers arise. And these barriers can be erected by any of the interacting parties.
For the subject of the adaptation process such barriers can be worldview, psychological state, limited information, ignorance of culture and traditions, etc.
The unwillingness of society to change under the influence of the subject can lead to both ignoring him and pushing him out of his environment.
In the context of the goals of higher education, social adaptation of a freshman means the ability to meet the requirements and norms of the institution, as well as the ability to develop in the new environment, to realize his abilities and needs without coming into conflict with this environment.
The complexity of adaptation in the transition from general to vocational education is not only in the change of social environment, but also in the need to make a decision, the emergence of anxiety about the correctness of self-determination, which for many is identical to finding the meaning of life.
Many authors emphasize that socio-psychological adaptation is a process of active adaptation of the individual to the conditions of the social environment, as well as a result of this process (A.A. Rean, N.N. Melnikova, etc.).
So, in the course of socio-psychological adaptation both the purposes connected with adaptation to the social environment, and the purposes connected with self-expression, self-realization of the person and its active influence on the environment can be reached.

As for the essence of the processes and changes that occur during socio-psychological adaptation, most authors note that there is a process of harmonization of needs, mutual requirements and expectations of the person and the social environment (Ofitserkina, 1997; Rozum, 2006). The adapting subject assimilates the norms, values, attitudes of the group to which he is adapting (Belicheva, 1994). The adapting subject may develop his or her own adaptation strategy or may actively influence the social environment by changing its norms and values (Ofitserkina, 1997; Romm, 2002; Melnikova, 1999, etc.). There is an alignment of the subject's needs and pretensions with his or her capabilities, the subject starts to perform new social and interpersonal roles, changes (or develops new) social regulators of behavior (Rozum, 2006). However, a number of authors note the presence of deeper changes occurring in the course of socio-psychological adaptation. A. A. Nalchajian noted that since during socio-psychological adaptation certain adaptive mechanisms are activated, their repeated use in similar social situations leads to the fact that they are fixed in the personality structure and become substructures of its character [54, p. 18]. According to N.S. Khrustaleva, personality traits not only influence the subject's adaptation, but also change themselves in the course of the adaptation process. Particularly important for successful adaptation is a change in the personality's orientation and motivational structure [87, p. 193].
Among the criteria of a person's successful adaptation it is customary to distinguish external (degree of adaptability) and internal (degree of subjective well-being) criteria, however, attempts are made to find a third, systemic criterion that characterizes the interaction of a person and the environment. In our opinion, such criterion can be the level of self-determination of the person in relation to the social environment.

T.A. Vlasova has grouped all these difficulties, dividing them into three main groups:
1 didactic difficulties (work with a large volume of material, independent organization of studies, etc.);
2 socio-psychological difficulties (personal integration with students, acceptance of their values, standards of behavior);
3 professional difficulties (identification with the future professional activity and social role).

Recommendations for students for successful socio-psychological adaptation:

  1. Observe the daily routine.Follow the rules of a healthy lifestyle.
  2. Plan your own activities.
  3. Spend more time on self-study, it is the key to successful continuing education for you.
  4. Watch the culture of speech, practice conflict-free communication.
  5. Overcome difficulties that arise, do not be afraid of obstacles.
  6. Engage in your favorite activities, sports, hobbies, it will help you to develop your creative potential and give an opportunity to switch from the leading (educational) activity for a while and help to relieve emotional stress.
  7. Be patient.
  8. Think positively.
  9. In every situation find the good sides.
  10. Try not to feel sorry for yourself.
  11. Rely on spiritual values.

Recommendations to supervisors on social and psychological adaptation of 1st year students:

  1. To create in students an adequate idea of the chosen profession, realization of public importance of a profession and formation of the positive attitude to it.
  2. At the first classes to acquaint students with the system of education in the university and the requirements to the level of knowledge, the specifics of education, its differences from the school, to bring to each student the concept of discipline.
  3. For a successful adaptation, try to ensure that students have the opportunity to take their place in the team (through assignments, encouragement of the smallest successes, search and development of abilities).
  4. Demonstrate and affirm your confidence in the student by entrusting a responsible assignment or performance on behalf of the team.
  5. Identify students in need of psychological assistance, bring to the attention of the psychologist, together with the psychologist make a plan for individual counseling.
  6. Involve students in the social life of the university, in the work of self-government.
  7. To carry out joint activities in the group during extracurricular time aimed at group consolidation, to create a comfortable psychological environment in the student community and, thus, to facilitate the process of students' adaptation to new social conditions.
  8. Pay attention to conversations about morals, self-education, daily routine, and disease prevention.
  9. Take into account the individual approach to the student when interviewing him/her, taking into account psychological and age specifics.
  10. Do not compare students to one another or praise them for their successes and achievements.
  11. The approach to the analysis of student behavior should not be evaluative: you should find the positive and negative aspects of actions and suggest alternative ways of behavior.
  12. Use ways to influence the motivational sphere of the student: problem-based learning (self-analysis will show the student the effectiveness of his activities and will help to independently identify their strengths and weaknesses in the subject).


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