Dear students, we are announcing the beginning of the election of the President of the Kozybayev University Student Government!
Candidates need to:
- To be a student of M. Kozybaev NKU;
- To get acquainted with the Regulations on the Student Government on the official website of the University (in the register of documents), or by writing on WhatsApp at 8 777-083-23-39;
- Fill out an application for participation in the elections on the @kozybayev_sp Instagram page using the link in the bio;
- Collect at least 300 signatures (5% of the total number of students) supporting the candidacy;
- Prepare an autobiography and send it by e-mail between January 29 and February 6, 2024.
To post your candidacy on the official Instagram page, you must submit video material (detailed information about yourself, ideas for improving the life of our university) by e-mail by February 7, 2024 .
Election stages:
- The campaign period is from February 7 to February 14, 2024 (candidates can use as campaign material: non-self-adhesive flyers, videos with information about the applicant, booklets and banners);
- Election debates - February 14, 2024;
- Online voting via Microsoft Forms - February 15, 2024;
- The results of the voting will be published on the official Instagram page @kozybayevuniversity
For any questions, please contact 8 777-083-23-39 WhatsApp
15.02.2024 18:00