Council of Young Scientists of the NKU named after M. Kozybayev is holding a competition of scientific Start-up projects. The purpose of the competition: to support young researchers of NPLC “NKU named after M. Kozybayev" through the implementation of innovative projects, which are based on the result of research activities. Participants of the c...
25 April 2023Kozybayev University Council of Young Scientists organizes an annual competition of exhibitions of scientific achievements among student scientific societies (SSS) of all M.Kozybayev NKU faculties. The purpose of the competition: monitoring of the SSS faculties research activities in order to identify the most promising student scientific achievem...
27 January 2023Council of Young Scientists of the NKU M. Kozybaeva, together with the Department of Science, holds an annual competition of scientific projects for a grant from the Chairman of the Board - Rector for young scientists of the NKU. M. Kozybayeva (hereinafter referred to as the Competition). The purpose of the Competition: stimulation and financial i...
26 December 2022Dear students! The Council of Young Scientists of the NPLC "Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university" holds a video contest "The World of Science through the Eyes of a Student". Participants of the Contest must publish their video in Reels format in collaboration with the account of the Council of Young Scientists @smu_sku (joint publication...
15 November 2022Council of Young Scientists of the NKU named after M. Kozybayev is holding a competition of scientific Start-up projects. The purpose of the competition: to support young researchers of NPLC “NKU named after M. Kozybayev" through the implementation of innovative projects, which are based on the result of research activities. Participants of the c...
01 April 2022Kozybayev University Council of Young Scientists organizes an annual competition of exhibitions of scientific achievements among student scientific societies (SSS) of all M.Kozybayev NKU faculties. The purpose of the competition: monitoring of the SSS faculties research activities in order to identify the most promising student scientific achievem...
19 January 2022Dear students! The Council of Young Scientists of the NPLC "Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan university" holds a video contest "My research activity at the university". The purpose of the competition is to provide students of 1-4 courses with the opportunity to tell in a video format about the preliminary or final results of a research work / sci...
05 November 2021The purpose of the competition is to support young researchers from among the students of the M. Kozybayev National Research University to improve quality of life standards, transfer advanced knowledge and technologies into the socio-economic life of the region through the implementation of projects based on the result of research activities. The ...
01 April 2021Kozybayev University Council of Young Scientists organizes an annual competition of exhibitions of scientific achievements among student scientific societies (SSS) of all M.Kozybayev NKU faculties. The purpose of the competition: monitoring of the SSS faculties research activities in order to identify the most promising student scientific achievem...
23 January 2021Kozybayev University Council of Young Scientists is holding a video competition «Distance approach to scientific activity» among undergraduate students of 1-4 courses of all faculties. The aim of the competition is the popularization of scientific research and promotion of the use of modern and high-tech tools and methods for realization of creati...
21 November 2020Dear colleagues! The draft Work Plan of the Council of Young Scientists of M. Kozybayev NKU (draft Plan) is submitted for discussion. Please provide comments and suggestions by 17:00, 10/22/2020 at:
18 October 2020Protocol of the meeting of the competition committee "On holding a competition of scientific projects for a rector's grant for young scientists of M. Kozybayev NKSU".
03 July 2020Dear Colleagues! The draft Regulation of the annual competition of exhibitions of scientific achievements of the SSS of M. Kozybayev NKSU is submitted for discussion (draft Regulation). Please provide comments and suggestions by 17:00 on June 17, 2020 to the address:
08 June 2020The scientific training center of the "Scientific Publications - Publ.Science" company conducts webinars and seminars on scientometrics to provide scientists with information on the main aspects of writing successful scientific articles and current changes in this area. On March 31, 2020, a cycle of training webinars on scientometrics “M...
24 March 2020Link to the exhibition schedule
18 February 202014 февраля 2020 года, Советом молодых учёных будет проводиться научно-практический семинар на тему: «Проблемы публикаций в изданиях с ненулевым импакт-фактором». Время проведения 13:30 аудитория 115/1.
12 February 202014 февраля 2020 года, Советом молодых учёных будет проводиться научно-практический семинар на тему: «Проблемы публикаций в изданиях с ненулевым импакт-фактором». Время проведения 13:30 аудитория 115/1.
12 February 2020On February 14, 2020, the Council of Young Scientists will hold a scientific and practical seminar on the topic: "Problems of publications in publications with a non-zero impact factor". The time of the event is 13:30 auditorium 163/1.
12 February 2020The Council of Young Scientists of M. Kozybayev NKU holds a competition of exhibitions of scientific achievements among student scientific associations (SSAs) of all faculties of M. Kozybayev NKU. The purpose of the competition is to monitor the research activities of the faculty's SSAs in order to identify the most promising student scientific ac...
27 January 2020On January 28, 2020, at 16:00, a scientific and practical seminar will be held on the topic: "Writing and defending a doctoral dissertation for a PhD degree". Doctoral students of all courses and applicants are invited.
27 January 2020On January 28, 2020, at 16:00, a scientific and practical seminar will be held on the topic: "Writing and defending a doctoral dissertation for a PhD degree". Doctoral students of all courses and applicants are invited.
27 January 2020Конкурс эссе Совет молодых ученых СКУ им. М. Козыбаева проводит конкурс эссе «Если бы я был ученый … » среди обучающихся 1-4 курсов всех факультетов. Целью конкурса является выявление творчески активных студентов, обладающих потенциалом для дальнейших научных исследований. По результатам проведения конкурса будут объявлены победители. I место н...
04 December 2019The Council of Young Scientists of NKU named after M. Kozybayev conducts an essay contest “If I were a scientist…” among students of 1-4 courses of all faculties. The aim of contest is identification of creatively active students with the potential for further researching work. According to the results of the competition, winners will be announce...
15 November 2019