Announcement of the contest "Rent for a dining room".
The announcement on the holding of the contest "Rent for a dining room" (hereinafter - the Announcement) was developed in accordance with the Rules for the provision of non-residential premises for property rental (lease) of the Kozybayev University, approved by the decision of the Board of the Kozybayev University dated 03/29/2021 (hereinafter referred to as the Rules), due to the need to organize and provide meals for students and employees of the Kozybayev University (the need for a dining areas).
Name of the competition: "Rent for a dining room"
Name and location of the contest organizer: Kozybayev University, Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86 (hereinafter - the Organizer of the competition).
1. Date, time and place of the contest
The meeting of the competition commission on opening envelopes with competitive applications of potential employers for participation in the competition is held at "15" hours "00" min. local time, "28" August 2023, at the address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, 1st building, office 165.
2. Place and terms of acceptance of applications for participation in the competition
Applications for participation in the competition are submitted by potential Employers (tenants) or their authorized persons representing the interests of submitting an application for participation in the competition on the basis of a power of attorney, in a sealed envelope before "15" hours "00" min. local time, "28" August 2023 at the following address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, office 165.
The application of a potential Employer is not accepted after the deadline set in the announcement for accepting applications.
3. Brief description and information about the rental object, including its location, area, term of property lease (rent) and the amount of rent approved by the Kozybayev University.
The Lessee is obliged, before receiving non-residential premises for rent under the Act of Acceptance and Transfer, within 5 working days from the date of signing the Contract, to make a Deposit (guaranteed cash contribution) to the Lessor's account in the amount of 3 (three) monthly rent payments.
Lot No. 1: Non-residential premises for a dining room, with an area of 78.4 sq.m., located at the address: Petropavlovsk, Zhumabaeva str., 114, academic building No. 6, 1st floor (dining room). The term of the property lease (rent): from 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024. Rent for 01.09.2023 to 31.12.2023 is not less than 639,117 (six hundred thirty-nine thousand one hundred seventeen) tenge, including VAT and additional utilities (electricity, heat, hot/cold water consumption). From 01.01.2024, changes will be made to the cost of rent, due to changes in the MCI in Kazakhstan.
Lot No. 2: Non-residential premises for a dining room, with an area of 71.7 sq.m., located at the address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, dormitory No. 1, 1st floor. The term of the property lease (rent): from 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024. Rent for 01.09.2023 to 31.12.2023 is not less than 584,498 (five hundred eighty-four thousand four hundred ninety-eight) tenge, including VAT and additional utilities electricity, heat, hot/cold water consumption). From 01.01.2024, changes will be made to the cost of rent, due to changes in the MCI in Kazakhstan.
Lot No. 3: Non-residential premises for a dining room, with an area of 76.16 sq.m., located at the address: Petropavlovsk, Bostandykskaya str., 2, dormitory No. 2, 1st floor. The term of the property lease (rent): from 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024. Rent for 01.09.2023 to 31.12.2023 is not less than 620,856 (six hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred and fifty-six) tenge, including VAT and additional utilities electricity, heat, hot/cold water consumption). From 01.01.2024, changes will be made to the cost of rent, due to changes in the MCI in Kazakhstan.
Lot No. 4: Non-residential premises for a dining room, with an area of 87.2 sq.m., located at the address: Petropavlovsk, Internatsionalnaya str., 26, academic building No. 5, 1st floor. The term of the property lease (rent): from 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024. Rent for 01.09.2023 to 31.12.2023 is not less than 710,854 (seven hundred ten thousand eight hundred and fifty-four) tenge, including VAT and additional utilities electricity, heat, hot/cold water consumption). From 01.01.2024, changes will be made to the cost of rent, due to changes in the MCI in Kazakhstan.
Lot No. 5: Non-residential premises for a dining room, with an area of 121.6 sq.m., located at the address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 87, swimming pool, 1st floor. The term of the property lease (lease): from 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024. Rent for 01.09.2023 to 31.12.2023 is not less than 991,283 (nine hundred ninety-one thousand two hundred eighty-three) tenge, including VAT and additional utilities electricity, heat, hot/cold water consumption). From 01.01.2024, changes will be made to the cost of rent, due to changes in the MCI in Kazakhstan.
Lot No. 6: Non-residential premises for a dining room, with an area of 99.7 sq.m., located at the address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 81, academic building No. 4, 1st floor. The term of the property lease (rent): from 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024. Rent for 01.09.2023 to 31.12.2023 is not less than 821,754 (eight hundred twenty-one thousand seven hundred fifty-four) tenge, including VAT and additional utilities electricity, heat, hot/cold water consumption). From 01.01.2024, changes will be made to the cost of rent, due to changes in the MCI in Kazakhstan.
Lot No. 7: Non-residential premises for a dining room, with an area of 117.1 sq.m., located at the address: Petropavlovsk, Abaya str., 16, food laboratory. The term of the property lease (rent): from 01.09.2023 to 30.06.2024. Rent for 01.09.2023 to 31.12.2023 is not less than 954,599 (nine hundred and fifty-four thousand five hundred and ninety-nine) tenge, including VAT and additional utilities (electricity, heat, hot/cold water consumption). From 01.01.2024, changes will be made to the cost of rent, due to changes in the MCI in Kazakhstan.
4. Conditions of the competition for the object provided for property hire and selection criteria
4.1. The Commission shall open envelopes with applications from potential employers and compare applications submitted within the prescribed period and registered in the relevant journal of potential employers on the day of the deadline for submission of applications.
4.2. The winner of the competition is determined by the Commission by voting in the evaluation sheets according to the 5-point evaluation scale system according to the selection criteria specified in the announcement. The winner is the potential tenant who scored the most points. The basis for the Commission's decision is the application of a potential tenant with the most favorable lease terms for the lessee, corresponding or exceeding the requirements specified in the ad.
Selection criteria:
4.3. In case of equality of points, the winner of the competition is determined by the chairman of the Commission or a person replacing him. In case of disagreement with the decision of the Commission, any member of the Commission has the right to a dissenting opinion, which must be stated in writing and attached to the minutes of the Commission meeting.
4.4. If the winner of the competition refuses to conclude an Agreement with the Lessor, the Lessor has the right to conclude an Agreement with the potential lessee who took the second place.
4.5. If the application for participation in the tender is submitted by only one potential tenant or no application has been submitted for participation in it, the tender for consideration of the issue of granting the object for rent is considered invalid. In this case, the Secretary of the Commission draws up a protocol on the recognition of the competition as invalid.
5. Deadline for accepting applications for participation in the competition
Applications for participation in the competition are accepted by the Organizer of the competition until "15" hours "00" min. local time, "28" August 2023 at the following address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, office 165.
6. Standard contract
Draft model contract (Appendix 2 to the announcement).
7. Technical specification and other rental conditions
Specified in the technical specification (Appendix 1 to the announcement).
8. List of documents required to participate in the competition
8.1. On the front side of the sealed envelope with the application for participation in the competition, the potential lessee must indicate:
8.2. The application for participation in the competition is a form of consent to the participation of a potential lessee in the competition for the lease of a room for a dining room in accordance with the requirements and conditions established by the announcement.
8.3. The application for participation in the competition must contain:
for legal entities – certificate of registration (re-registration) of a legal entity, certificate of all registration actions of a legal entity, Charter, license/permit and/or other document confirming the right to carry out a particular activity according to the requirements of the technical specification or in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
for individuals – a certificate of state registration of an individual entrepreneur (if there is), an identity document of an individual, an address certificate.
In the case of maintaining the register of participants of a limited liability partnership, a notarized copy of an extract from the register of participants of the partnership is provided;
8.4. The application for participation in the competition is submitted by the potential lessee in writing, signed by the first manager or an authorized person and sealed (if there is) in a sealed envelope before the deadline for submitting applications specified in the announcement.
9. Contact details of the responsible person of the lessee
Additional information and references can be obtained at the address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin str., 86, office 165, contact phone: 8 (7152) 397243.
10. Other information
The Commission, no later than 10 (ten) working days from the date of signing the protocol on the results of the competition, places information on the results of the competition on the Internet resource of the Kozybayev University.
11. Appendices to the competition documentation: