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Development of Skills and Teachers Training for leadership (DeSTT)

Development of Skills and
Teachers Training for leadership

DeSTT - Development of Skills and Teachers Training for leadership

Registration Number of the Project: 609905-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Project duration: January 15, 2020-January 14, 2023 

DeSTT project description 

The project is aimed at developing and modernizing formal and informal educational programs in the field of professional development and teachers training in Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia in order to expand the opportunities of teachers with insufficient leadership competencies. As well as creating an educational leadership center as a platform for the design, development and promotion of socially significant ideas of the pedagogical community in the region.

Official Website of the Project:

Project Page on Facebook:

The DeSTT project leaflet is in Kazakh, English, Russian.

Project Coordinator: University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy)

Project Consortium Members:

  1. Fondazione Sicurezza e Libertà (Italy)
  2. University of Social Sciences (Poland)
  3. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
  4. Yaroslav-The-Wise Novgorod State University (Russia)
  5. Irkutsk State Agrarian University (Russia)
  6. University of International Business (Kazakhstan)
  7. M. Kozybayev North-Kazakhstan State University (Kazakhstan)
  8. Mongolian National University of Education (Mongolia)
  9. Mongolian University of Science and Technology (Mongolia)
  10. Mongolian University of Life Sciences (Mongolia)

Distribution of roles and responsibilities of members of the working group of the DeSTT project "Development of skills and training of teachers for leadership»

Члены рабочей группы проекта DeSTT Роль в проекте
Olkova Irina Aleksandrovna Project coordinator/manager
Ualiyeva Nazym Toleubekovna Researcher, trainer
Gumel Yelena Borisovna Researcher, trainer
Pavlovskaya Nadezhda Grigoriyevna Researcher
Chemodanova Galina Iosifovna Researcher, trainer
Volchkova Nataliya Ilyinichna  Researcher, trainer
Sannikova Marina Vladimorovna Researcher
Nurpeissova Aigul Hairtayevna Quality Assurance manager, researcher, trainer
Murzalinova Alma Zhakimovna Researcher

Project Implementation

February 4 - 8,  2020  Kick-off Meeting at the University of Cassino and Southern Lazio. At the opening meeting, delegates presented their universities, indicated their participation in the project for the next 3 years, and also discussed the social role of teachers and managers in society, the requirements of the modern labor market for managerial staff. 

April 23,  2020   Online Meeting dedicated to the creation of the Project Site, the Functioning of the Site and the Project Page on Facebook .

May 6, 2020   Online Meeting dedicated to the Quality Assurance System of the DeSTT project and Partners Involvement, the Role of the EU Partner, and the preparation of an online workshop “The most important startup questions about concepts and models of training teachers for leadership”, on organizational issues.

June 4, 2020 Online Workshop “The most important startup questions about concepts and models of training teachers for leadership”.

15-17 October 2020 - official opening of the Education Centre for LeadershipRead more.   
According to the established plan, the Education Centre for Leadership equipment was purchased (protocol №11 of the meeting of the Budget Committee of M. Kozybayev NKU of November 11th, 2020; the protocol of tender results 5215808-ZTsP of November 27th, 2020). 

From December 2020 to April 2021, the members of the working group were involved in the series of online workshops conducted by the representatives of European partner universities: “Strategies for Training and Professional Development of Teachers for Leadership Suggestion”; “Idea of leadership” by professor Alessandro Figus; “Strategies of development and methods of moderating leadership training”, conducted by Ramón Bouzas Lorenzo; “Introduction to the Project Management in HE. Project Leaders interact with function leaders in HE” conducted by professor Alessandro Silvestri.

Syllabi and educational complexes of two disciplines of the second cycle of the module cluster were developed and confirmed at the meeting of the Pedagogy and Psychology Department (protocol № November 4th November 27th, 2020), and at the meeting of the Academic Board of M.Kozybayev NKU (protocol № of December 23rd, 2020):

January 19th, 2021 – the meeting of the Member of Board of Directors for Academic Affairs with the first-year students of Education Master Degree programs about the organization of the informal education courses. 
The developed syllabi and educational complexes were implemented within the M. Kozybayev NKU Institute of professional development in Kazakh and Russian from February 2nd, 2021 to June, 5th, 2021. (order № IPD-13 of February 2nd, 2021). First-year Master's program students of the “Education” trajectory were trained. Groups FL-m-20, M(e)-m-20, Ph(e)-m-20, Inf.-m-20 had the practical classes offline, and lectures were taught online. While the groups PPs-m-20, PCS-m-20, Df-m-20, Inf(e)-m-20к, М(e)-m-20к both lectures and practical classes were online. 12 Master Program students were taught in Kazakh and 67 - in Russian. The total number of students trained is 79.  

January 5-6, 2021, in the framework of Educational Center for Leadershipthe online seminar “Strategies for training and professional development as a teacher-leader” (Omirbayev S.M., Magzumova A.K.) was conducted. There were 114 participants, including heads of educational departments of the city and region, Deans of Faculties training teachers, directors, and vice-directors of schools, university lecturers, and secondary school teachers. In the seminar course, the following topics were discussed: «Teacher’s leadership: yes or no to the leadership roles on education,» and «Teacher’s leadership skills: concept, structure, models.». Read more.

The online course content “The development modern teacher’s leadership skills” is being designed for Master’s students, teachers, and people working education. 

May 6th, 2021 – the online meeting of the project Consortium was conducted based on the Educational Centre for Leadership. The plan of the further project realization from June to December 2021 was on the agenda. One of the essential things to work on is the educational tutorial on the project theme. The trips plan will depend on the pandemic situation and the opening of international borders. 

May 6th, 2021 – the presentation of Educational Center for Leadership for the delegation from the USA. 

Following the decision made during the Consortium meeting on May 6th, the list of working group members for the development of the educational tutorial was defined.  

The list of the NKU working group members was reconsidered due to some staff changes (order № 291of May 17th, 2021). 

scientific article on the project theme is being prepared for publication in the Web of Science journal.

June 21st, 2021 – NKU working group passed the annual monitoring conducted but the National Office of Erasmus + programs in the RK. 

The meeting of the DeSTT “Development of Skills and Teachers Training for Leadership” project working group took place on the 17th of September, 2021 at the Educational Center for Leadership.

On October 14-15, 2021, senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of M. Kozybayev NKU, Volchkova N.I., together with co-trainer Dyusembekova Kamila, Master’s student of the educational program “Pedagogy and Psychology”, conducted a two-day Republican training "EQ and Leadership".

On October 19-20, 2021 senior lecturer of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of M. Kozybayev NKU, Nurpeissova A.H. together with the  2nd year Master's student of the educational program "Pedagogy and Psychology" Aigerim Sagandykova conducted a two-day Republican training "Inclusive education in Kazakhstan".

On November 10, 2021, as part of the Quality Week, a discussion platform was held on the topic "Quality education the foundation of a quality life and sustainable development". The moderator of the event is Galina Chemodanova, PhD, associate professor.

The publication has been developed within the framework of the European Union Erasmus+ programme and reflects the views of the authors. Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European  Commision cannot be held responsible for any use which be made of the information contained therein.