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Non-profit limited company
"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Scientific projects carried out by scientists from M. Kozybayev NKU

I. Projects implemented within the framework of grant financing and program-targeted financing

  1. Development of methods to improve the conversion efficiency and increase the power of a multi-level power inverter (Project manager (postdoctoral fellow): Moldakhmetov S.S., PhD, terms: 01.05.2022 - 31.12.2024)
  2. Improving the efficiency of drying grain seeds by microwave radiation based on the properties of a surface waveguide (Project Manager (postdoctoral fellow): Ritter E.S., PhD, terms of execution: 01.05.2022 - 31.12.2024)
  3. Formation of digital competence of 5-6-year-old children in a preschool organization  (Head Aitymova A.M., PhD, terms of execution: 2022 - 2024)
  4. Development and implementation of a new high-performance mobile railway complex with resource-saving technology for laser restoration of railway wheelsets  (Head Savinkin V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, terms of execution: 2022 - 2024)
  5. Improvement of methods for monitoring and controlling technological parameters of rotary molding of plastic containers for storing liquid mineral fertilizers  (Head Tyukanko V.Yu., Candidate of Technical Sciences, terms of execution: 2022 - 2024)
  6. Development of an innovative methodology for obtaining environmentally friendly fertilizers based on the rational use of organomineral accumulations of lakes  (Head Dmitriev P.S., Candidate of Biological Sciences), terms of execution: 2022 - 2024)
  7. Northern Kazakhstan at the beginning of the twentieth century: Socio-political activity and the spiritual heritage of the Alash intelligentsia  (Head Ibraeva A.G., Doctor of Historical Sciences, terms of execution: 2022 - 2024)
  8. Development of modified asphalt-concrete compositions using products of recycling of industrial waste  (Head Duryagina A.N., Candidate of Chemical Sciences, terms of execution: 2023 - 2025)
  9. Development of hardware and software Wi-Fi interface for reception and transmission biomedical signals using wavelet technologies  (Head of Gerasimova Yu.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, terms of execution: 2023 - 2025)
  10. Development of a neural network model for UAV recognition through an optical-electronic channel integrated into the Data Fusion system  (Head Kurmashev I.G., Candidate of Technical Sciences, terms of execution: 2023 - 2025)
  11. Formation of competencies for continuous professional development among students and graduates of the Pedagogical Sciences direction in the conditions of academic independence of the university  (Head Murzalinova A.Zh., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, terms of execution: 2023 - 2025)
  12. Integral study of the toponymic landscape of the borderlands districts of Northern Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation  (Head Sabieva E.V., Candidate of Philological Sciences, terms of execution: 2023 - 2025)
  13. Textual study and source analysis of narrative documents of the rulers of the Kazakh Khanate of the XV–XVIII centuries  (Head of Kartova Z.K., Candidate of Historical Sciences, terms of execution: 2023 - 2025)

II. Proactive innovative projects and research

1. Development of innovative organic mineral fertilizer technology based on lake sediment extract, for intensive agriculture and crop production (Supervisor Dmitriev P.S., Docent, Candidate of Biological Sciences.)

2. The current state of protective forest strips in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan (Supervisor Savenkova I.V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.)

3. Development of the stages of the process for the introduction of a digital platform in the North Kazakhstan region (Supervisor Shayakhmetova A.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.)

4. Comparative ecological testing of foreign varieties of spring soft wheat and the selection of the most adaptive to the soil and climatic conditions of the region (Supervisor Shayakhmetova A.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences.)

5. Using modern equipment and new solar panels to generate new energy and additional profit (Supervisor Shaikin D.N., Candidate of Economics, Professor)

6. Development of an on-board control system of an autonomous unmanned underwater vehicle, optimal in terms of energy consumption. (Supervisor - Gerasimova Yu.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences)

7. Laser-plasma technologies for the restoration and repair of products and equipment of the machine-building and energy industries. (Supervisor - Savinkin V.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences)

8. Development of a hybrid drive for road-building and mining machines based on a mechatronic recovery system and adaptive energy redistribution, which increases positioning accuracy and energy efficiency of working equipment. (Supervisor - Savinkin V.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences)

9. Development of an energy-efficient laser-plasma technology for restoring the spatial shape of self-sharpening working bodies of earth-moving, mining and agricultural machines with the possibility of their repair at remote sites from stationary mechanization bases. (Supervisor - Tomashets A.K., Candidate of Technical Sciences)

10. Development of intelligent computer devices for diagnostics and monitoring of electric power equipment based on identification measurements, methods of deep machine learning Deep Leaning and Big Data science. (Supervisor - Koshekov K.T., Doctor of Technical Sciences) 

11. Using "Saprolin", obtained on the basis of the resources of local lakes, to increase the productivity of agricultural crops. (Supervisor - Dmitriev P.S., Candidate of Biological Sciences)

12. Scientific foundations of the technology of creation and organization of an innovative type of dairy farm for the production of goat milk. (Supervisor - Bayazitov T.B., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences)

13. Remote sensing of the Earth in order to determine the degree of soil fertility for solving the problems of point farming. (Supervisor - Sartin S.A., PhD in Physics and Mathematics)

14. Development of an agrolandscape organization of land use and energy-saving methods of growing grain crops in Northern Kazakhstan. (Supervisor - Kоshen B.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences)

15. Development and implementation of biotechnologies for the use of the natural drug "Topolin", increasing the productivity of grain crops. (Supervisor - Polyakov V.V., Doctor of Chemical Sciences)

16. Creation of new types of tea products based on wild species of flora of Kazakhstan. (Supervisor - Zveryachenko T.S., Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences)

17. "Smart grain storage" is an integrated intelligent IoT system for remote monitoring, analysis and management of technological processes of grain storage. (Supervisor - Koshekov K.T., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Demyanenko A.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences.)

18. Subsistence of integrated agricultural technologies for the cultivation of spring grain crops in the zone of risky farming, ensuring a stable planned harvest. (Supervisor - Polyakov V.V., Doctor of Chemical Sciences)

19. The use of unconventional feed additives (chlorella) in animal husbandry and poultry farming. (Supervisor - Zhunusov A.E., Ph.D.)

20. Seed production of non-traditional forage crops. (Supervisor - Malitskaya N.V., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences)

21. Production of organic products based on bioconversion of organic waste in the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan. (Supervisor - Shayakhmetova A.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences)

22. Develop resource-saving technologies to increase productivity of old-growth stands of perennial grasses in the forest-steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan. (Supervisor - Shayakhmetova A.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Koshen B.M., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences)

23. Development and implementation of scientifically grounded diagnostic methods, assessment of the severity of metabolic disorders in highly productive animals. (Supervisor - Bayazitova K.N., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences)

24. Development of an information system for searching for operational earthquake precursors based on identification measurements. (Supervisor - Koshekov K.T., Doctor of Technical Sciences)

25. Development of metrological support and technological support for ultra-precise forecasting of failures of high-loaded equipment using non-destructive testing methods and integrated assessment of fatigue processes in the material of steam turbine blades at TPS. (Supervisor - Savinkin V.V., Doctor of Technical Sciences)

26. Research and selection of parameters of data transmission systems of automated environmental monitoring devices.  (Supervisor - Savostin A.A., Candidate of Technical Science)

27. Modeling the development of a flood situation in the North Kazakhstan region with the construction of a full-scale model based on data from remote sensing of the Earth. (Supervisor - Sartin S.A., Candidate of Physics and Mathematics)

28. Development of a mobile application using artificial intelligence for the socialization of people with disabilities. (Supervisor - Shmigirilova I.B., Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences)

29. Creation of an electronic collection of monuments of the historical and cultural heritage of the North Kazakhstan region and their mapping using geographic information systems. (Supervisor - Pleshakov A.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences)

30. Preparation and publication of materials from archaeological sites of Northern Kazakhstan on the basis of scientific research of collections from the funds of museums and laboratories. (Supervisor - Pleshakov A.A., Candidate of Historical Sciences)

31. Historical and linguistic problems of national onomastics on the territory of the North Kazakhstan region as an important direction of work on educating youth in Kazakhstani patriotism (Supervisor - Ibrayeva A.G., Doctor of History)

32. Materials of local archival funds as a source on the history of the Alash movement in the northern region of Kazakhstan. (Supervisor - Ibrayeva A.G., Doctor of Historical Sciences)

33. Development of a multi-level course for teaching schoolchildren the basics of artificial intelligence in the framework of the subject "Information and communication technologies", taking into account their age-related psychophysiological characteristics and the level of previously acquired knowledge and skills. (Supervisor - Demyanenko A.V., Candidate of Technical Science)

34. Parallels between the Bible and the Koran and the problems of ethno-confessional harmony in Kazakhstan (Supervisor - Nikiforov A.V., Ph.D.)

Implemented projects

Research on the use of adaptive technologies in an intelligent system for evaluating learning outcomes (Supervisor Kazanbayeva A.S., PhD)

Research and development of methods and algorithms for intellectual processing of Latin texts in the Kazakh language (Supervisor Iklasova K.E., PhD)

Development and implementation of a new energy-efficient laser-plasma manufacturing technology for a high-performance deep-pumping complex for hydrocarbon production at low-flow oil and gas wells with a regenerative drive (Supervisor - Savinkin V.V., Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor)

Comprehensive study of physical phenomena occurring in the upper atmosphere of the Earth and their connection with climatic trends (Supervisor - Solodovnik A.A., Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences) 

Creation of modified paint and varnish materials for anticorrosive, heat-resistant, chemical-resistant and waterproofing purposes using surfactants of a wide spectrum of action (Project Manager: A.N. Dyuryagina, Candidate of Chemical Sciences)

Study of the state of populations of rare and hunting species of geese and brants in the North of Kazakhstan (using GIS technologies, aerial photography and satellite telemetry) and development of a monitoring system and a set of measures for their conservation. (Supervisor - Koshkin M.A., PhD, Zuban I.A., Master)

Universal algebra and lattice theory (Supervisor is S.M. Lutsak., PhD)

Development of resource-saving technologies for increasing the productivity of old-growth herbage of perennial grasses in the forest-steppe zone of Northern Kazakhstan (Supervisor - Shayakhmetova A.S., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences)

Development of a wireless automated system for electrocardiological diagnostics. (Supervisor Ivel V.P., Doctor of Technical Sciences)

Subject-language integration in teaching English at biology lessons in the conditions of the updated program in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Supervisor Kakimova M.E., Candidate of philological sciences)

Identification (heuristics) and classification of Khan labels and charters of the Golden Horde and after the Golden Horde states (Supervisor Кartova Z. К., Candidate of historical sciences)

Innovative approaches to assessing students' academic achievements in the context of updating the content of mathematical education (Supervisor - Shmigirilova I. B., Candidate of pedagogical sciences)

Scientific and methodological foundations of teaching expressive speech means in the context of the implementation of the content of the updated education (secondary education system) (Supervisor Mukhamedzhanova G.T., PhD)

The influence of biochar fertility in leached chernozem soils and the formation of wheat yield (Supervisor Toktar Murat, PhD)