Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University is one of the oldest educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan with 85 years of history.
North Kazakhstan University was established by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated 02.06.1994 No. 584 on the basis of the Petropavlovsk Pedagogical Institute named after K.D. Ushinskiy, which traces its history to 1937.
By order of the Chairman of the State Property Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 25, 2020 No. 315, “Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan State University” RSE on REM was reorganized into “Manash Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University" NPLC.
The date of state registration of the Company is July 1, 2020.
M. Kozybayev NKU has a license, which gives the right to provide educational services No. KZ47LAA00018464 dated July 22, 2020, issued by the Committee for Quality Assurance in Education and Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
M. Kozybayev NKU has successfully passed institutional accreditation (certificate No. AA0159/1 dated June 17, 2022, issued by the Independent Agency for Accreditation and Rating).
The purpose of the Company is to create the necessary conditions for receiving high-quality education, training and teaching aimed at the formation, development and professional development of a person based on national and universal values, achievements of science and practice, as well as for the development of scientific potential and commercialization of developments.
The principal activities of the Company are:
1) training of personnel in educational programs of higher and postgraduate education, as well as scientific and technical, innovative activities, research work, including fundamental and applied scientific research;
2) providing students with food, accommodation and medical care;
3) providing employees with food, accommodation and medical care;
4) ensuring the safety of students;
5) organization and holding of sports and cultural events;
6) organization and holding of sports and recreational activities, creation of sports and creative sections;
7) publishing and printing activities to ensure the educational process, research, educational and socio-cultural activities;
8) organization and participation in various events at the international and republican levels: in olympiads, competitions, conferences, seminars among students and teachers;
9) preparation of students for military service under the program of reserve officers;
10) implementation of general education curricula for primary, basic secondary and general secondary education, as well as educational programs for technical and vocational, post-secondary, additional education;
11) creation of technopolises, technology parks, business incubators, innovation centers, technology commercialization and transfer centers, design bureaus and other structures according to the profile of activity;
12) participation in the development, testing and implementation of innovative methods, teaching and research technologies aimed at further development and improvement of the education and science system;
13) organization, creation and development of digital interactive educational resources and educational films for all levels of education;
14) participation in the integration of education and science with production;
15) organization, financing of development work, innovative and investment projects with the involvement of financial resources of subsidiaries and other organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign organizations, as well as participation in the formation of mechanisms and infrastructure for venture financing of projects in the field of education and science.
The date of registration of the issue of securities is July 28, 2020. Certificate of state registration of the issue of securities No. KZ91VGZ00000303 dated July 28, 2020.
Number of authorized shares of the Company is 5,304,588 (five million three hundred and four thousand five hundred and eighty eight) ordinary shares.
Authorized capital of the Company paid by the sole founder is 5,304,588,000 (Five billion three hundred and four million five hundred and eighty eight thousand) tenge.
Nominal value of one share of the Company is 1000 (one thousand) tenge.
Amount of equity in 2020 is 5,678,191 thousand tenge.
Amount of assets in 2020 is 6,098,213 thousand tenge.
Net income - 267 949.0 thousand tenge.
Number of personnel is 1184.25 units.