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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
MF: Мәңгілік ел – моя страна!

В завершение празднования Дня благодарности медицинский факультет 28.02.2025 г. в УЛК в  организовал квест «Мәңгілік ел – моя страна! читать далее

28 February 2025
MF: Check out – Проверь себя!

Под девизом «Проверь себя!» 28.02.2025 г. в УК №2 прошла благотворительная акция, приуроченная к празднованию Дня благодарности, организов читать далее

28 February 2025
NSSF: День благодарности на ФИЭПе

28 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права прошли мероприятия, посвященные Дню благодарности. Заместитель декана по воспитательной читать далее

28 February 2025
ИСТФ: Faculty of Engineering and Digital Technologies at the open days in February!

The open days at Kozybayev University are very active! Schoolchildren actively participate in competitions, visit new laboratories of faculties with m читать далее

27 February 2025
NSSF: На ФИЭП прошли лекция и семинар по финансовой грамотности

24 февраля 2025 года на факультете истории, экономики и права состоялись мероприятия, посвященные вопросам финансовой грамотности. В качестве гостевог читать далее

26 February 2025
MF: Второй тур олимпиады на манекене "Харви"

На медицинском факультете в УЛК проведен второй тур Олимпиады  на манекене Харви. Манекен Харви воспроизводит все клинические находки при физикал читать далее

21 February 2025
MF: Благодарность без границ

  20.02.2025 года на кафедре «Клинических дисциплин» состоялся курсовой кураторский  час  «Благодарность без границ& читать далее

20 February 2025
MF: Олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine»

С 07.02. по 14.02 на медицинском факультете была проведена олимпиада по клиническим дисциплинам «Future medicine». Основной целью Олимпиа читать далее

14 February 2025
MF: Кураторский час ко дню благодарения

Согласно плану мероприятий ко Дню Благодарности медицинского факультета, заведующий кафедрой «Фундаментальная медицина» Берденов Д.К. и п читать далее

13 February 2025
Читать все

Sports day "Cheerfulness and health"


The general guide of carrying out competitions is conduct with the department of educational work

There is placed a duty on the judges approved by the rector of university, responsible for a direct carrying out of competitions.


A staff of university participates in competitions. Participation of the first head of division is encouraged with additional points. The list of line-up certified by the head of division, it is given in judges.


The sports day is conducted by the following types of sport:

  1. Chess
  2. Table tennis
  3. Volleyball
  4. Basketball
  5. Skiing
  6. Togyz kumalak
  7. Tug–of-war
  8. Mini-football
  9. Swedish relay
  10. Presidential mile - 1600 m.
  11. Darts
  12. Kelltbelling lifting
  13. Swimming

There are included in the team overall the best thirteen types of sport.

A winner is determined with the greatest sum of the gathered points - places in 13 types of sport. In case of a draw scores, an advantage is given to the team having much first places and a participation of the first head.



Competitions are carried out with operating rules in two groups. First team: 4 men, 2 girls. A judicial assemble the bench realizes a division of teams into subgroups according to results of competitions of 2011-2012 of academic year. Game consists of three rounds (the 3rd round by rules of  time-break). Games in subgroups are carried out by all – play – all. A winner is determined by  the greatest sum of points. At this a team receives 2 points for a victory, for defeat 1. Final games are held in butt meetings of the teams gained the appropriate places in subgroups.

Table tennis

Competitions are carried out in the 2 subgroups. There is a division into subgroups by the results of competitions of 2011-2012 of academic year. Line-up of 3 men (2 men, 1 woman.). The meeting of teams consists of three sets. According to a note of entry form, the participants meet with each other. competitions of subgroups  are held on all – play - all to single circle. A winner is determined by the greatest sum of points. Final games are carried out in butt games between the teams gained the appropriate places in subgroups.

Line-up of 3 men: (2 men, 1 woman). According to the results of games 2011-2012 of academic year, they are divided into 2 subgroups in case of participation more than 6 teams. Games in subgroups are carried out by all – play - all to one circle. According to a note of entry form, the participants meet with each other. A winner is determined by the greatest sum of points. Final games are carried out in butt meetings of teams gained the appropriate places in subgroups. In case of participation no more than 6 teams, the competitions are carried out between them by all – play - all and a winner is determined by the greatest sum of points.


Line-up of 5 men. Games are carried out in 2 subgroups by all – play – all  to one circle. At this a team scores 3 points for a victory, for defeat 0 and both teams score for neutral result in 1 point. Final games are carried out in butt meetings between the teams gained the appropriate places.



  • Men from 20 to 29 years - 5 km
  • Men from 30 to 39 years - 3 km
  • Men from 40 to 49 years - 2 km
  • Men from 50 to 59 years - 2 km
  • Men older than 60 years - 1,5 km
  • Women under 30 years - 3 km, from 20 to 29 years - 3 km
  • Women from 50 to 59 years - 1,5 km
  • Women from 30 to 39 years - 3 km
  • Women from 40 to 49 years - 2 km
  • Women from 60 and older - 1 km

There are accounted the points of 10 best results of distances of age category (5 men, 5 women). Each participant of men and women is given an additional 1 point over the 1 to team for mass character.

The presidential test (1600 m)

All staff of university not released by a doctor, participates in pass of Presidential test. A winner team is determined by percent of participation of employees of unit plus incentive points for the first 20 places. A winner is determined by the greatest sum of points, gathered by participants according to the table of health's level assessment by the results of run (1600м.) for the population older than 23 years.