The faculty was created on September 1, 2018. Provides training for bachelors and undergraduates in various sectors of agricultural production and food processing industry. Graduates of the faculty will carry out their activities in government institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture and agricultural units of crop and livestock production, design, research institutions, forestry, national and natural parks and reserves, at processing enterprises in the food industry.
Address: Petropavlovsk, Pushkin st., 86, building 2
Teachers's room: 323, tel.+7 (7152) 463233, internal 2071
Laboratory room: 316, tel. +7 (7152) 463233, internal 1180
Dmitry Evgenievich
Head of Chair Food Security
Master of Sciences
Bachelor's degree :
6B07202 Food Safety
Master's degree :
Senior lecturer, "Food Security" chair , candidate of agricultural sciences
Senior lecturer, "Food Security" chair , candidate of veterinary sciences
Senior lecturer, "Food Security" chair , candidate of agricultural sciences
Associate Professor, "Food Security" chair , candidate of agricultural sciences
Senior lecturer, "Food Security" chair , candidate of agricultural sciences
Зав. кафедрой, senior lecturer, "food security" chair , master
Senior lecturer, "Food Security" chair , doctor of agricultural sciences, senior researcher
Senior lecturer, "Food Security" chair , doctor of technical sciences, corresponding member of the national academy of sciences of higher school of kazakhstan
Senior lecturer, "Food Security" chair , candidate of technical sciences