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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"
Faculty News
MF: Промежуточная аттестация

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24 December 2024
AF: Тұрмыстық зорлық-зомбылық

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17 December 2024
MF: Подготовка к сессии

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11 December 2024

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13 November 2024
AF: Международная предметная олимпиада

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01 November 2024
ИСТФ: Сareer guidance

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01 November 2024
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Memo on Maintaining Emotional State in Emergency Situations for Employees and Faculty of the University

Stressful and other difficult situations provoke a protective reaction in many people, manifesting itself in an uncontrollable sense of fear, which can provoke panic.
But how not to panic in such cases, and can you always remain calm?
A sense of fear - a normal reaction of the human body, which is a profound manifestation of our instinct of self-preservation. Only fools are not afraid of absolutely anything.
But panic occurs only when a person ceases to control his own emotions and he begins to control his irrational (subconscious) beginning.
To understand how not to panic in difficult situations, we must first understand why we begin to panic.
As soon as we lose control over our own thinking, feelings, and emotions, the body turns on "autopilot," which unleashes our primal instincts. And what do animals do when they sense danger?
They begin to run, wherever they can see, and it does not matter where exactly, the main thing for them is not to stop. This often has disastrous results.
Similarly, a person starting to panic, commits completely reckless things that can only worsen the already difficult situation.
In order not to panic, you must be in complete control of your emotions and never let them rule you under any pretext.
If you feel that fear begins to take hold of your consciousness - try to relax, close your eyes (if it is possible in this situation), start breathing deeply, try to distract yourself. A simple mathematical calculation will help.
The main thing here is not to start thinking about everything at once in an agitated state. Only when you are completely calm can you begin to analyze it with a "sober head.
The practice of meditation or breathing exercises helps to control your own emotions.
Remember that panic is a dangerous enemy, don't let it interfere with your plans. Always be alert and think logically, calmly making decisions in difficult situations.
On the issue of how not to panic as will help you logic. Logic - the main enemy of all irrational, and fear and other emotions (feelings) are just outside the mind (in our subconscious).
If you do not overpower your fear, it will control you, and this situation can not bode well in any plans and endeavors.
Always remember!!! Panic, anxiety, irritation, stress make your brain fight them rather than directing the body's energy to strengthen your mental and physical health!!!
University Psychological Service - with love and care!


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