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"Manash Kozybayev
North Kazakhstan university"

Programs of entrance examinations for applicants on the basis of secondary special and higher education

 Number of the educational program group

Name of groups of educational
programs / name of specialty
The cipher and the name of the specialty
B001 Pedagogy and psychology  
B002 Preschool teaching and education 6B01201 Preschool teaching and education
B003 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education 6B01301 Pedagogy and methodology of primary education
B005 Teacher training in physical education

6B01401 Physical culture and sport
6B01404 Physical education and basic military training

B006 Training of music teachers 6B01402 Musical Education

Training of math teachers

6В01502 Mathematics 

Training of physics teachers

6B01510 Physics-Computer Science
6В01503 Physics
B012 Training of chemistry teachers  
В013 Training of biology teachers 6B01505 Biology
В014 Training of Geography teachers 6B01506 Geography
B016 Training of teachers of the Kazakh language and literature 6В01703 Kazakh language and literature
B017 Training of Russian language teachers 6В01702 Russian language and literature
B018 Training of foreign language teachers 6В01701 Foreign language: two foreign languages
B019 Training of specialists in social pedagogy and self-knowledge 6В01801 Social pedagogics and self-knowledge
B020 Training of specialists in special pedagogy

6В01901 Defectology

6В01903 Defectology (oligophrenopedagogics)

6В01904 Defectology (sign language teaching)

В031 Fashion, design   6В02101 Design


Translation business

6В02302 Foreign philology

6В02303 Translation studies

B044 Public administration  
Management 6В04103 Management

6В04101 Economics
6B04107 Economics in business

B045 Audit and taxation 6В04105 Accounting and Auditing
B046 Finance, Economics, banking and advertising 6В04104 Finance
B049 Law 6B04201 Jurisprudence
В050 Biological and related sciences

6В05101 Biology

6В05102 Biotechnology

B051 Environment 6B05202 Ecology
B052 Earth science 6B05201 Geography
6B05203 Geography and nature management
B057 Information technologies 6B06102 Information Systems
6B06104 Computing and software
6B06105 Software Architect

Communications and communication technologies

6В06201 Radio engineering, electronics and telecommunications
B062 Electrical engineering and power engineering 6В07103 Electric power engineering

Electrical Engineering and Automation
Robotic, intelligent systems and instrument engineering

6B07106 Robotic, intelligent systems and instrument engineering

Mechanics and metalworking

6B07101 Mechanical engineering
6B07108 Robotics and innovative technologies in mechanical engineering


Transport equipment and technologies

6В07105 Transport, transport equipment and technology

6B07107 Technical operation, maintenance and repair of wagons


Technology of food products


6В07201 Technology of food products
B074 Urban planning, civil works and civil engineering

6В07301 Construction

6B07302 Design and information modeling of construction objects

B076 Standardization, certification and Metrology (by industry) 6B07502 Standardization, certification and metrology (by industry)
B077 Plant growing (Agronomy) 6В08101 Agronomy 
Plant growing (Plant protection and quarantine)  


6В08201 Technology of production of livestock products
B079 Forestry 6В08301 Wood resorces and forestry
B091 Tourism 6В11102 Tourism
В092 Leisure activity 6В11101 Cultural and Leisure Work